Thursday, December 10, 2009

Well people are jealous of me and they say i smell like crawfish could they be lying yes are no?

I have good grades and im cute.

Well people are jealous of me and they say i smell like crawfish could they be lying yes are no?theater seating

If you think there is a possibility of you having an odor, which some people do no matter how clean they are........then you should talk to your parents about it and see if there is anything they can do to help you. They are the ones that buy the soaps and deodorants for you , so talk to them.

Well people are jealous of me and they say i smell like crawfish could they be lying yes are no?lyric opera opera theater

People can be cruel...I doubt you smell like a craw fish. Bath daily, use proper hygiene and ignore someone who treats you in such a cruel manner. Drop them as friends, make new ones, continue to maintain your grade point average and as you have stated you are cute and I am sure adorable.
but you do smell like crawfish
You are self-centered. Sure, everyone is pretty and cute and handsome and WHATEVER, but you don't go around flaunting it. People ARE NOT jealous of you.
Depends on who's telling you this... either way if I where you I would ask someone around your town who would be willing to tell you the truth... and if you take a shower at least once a day then I would say that there is a good chance that maybe the could be lying or maybe it's your deodorant or perfume or something else you could be using so try changing things around for a bit and see if that helps.

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