Saturday, December 5, 2009

Girls: If you were approached by a cute, but geeky guy for a date, would you say "yes"?

If he seemed sweet and sincere, then sure, but if he was rude, then obviously not.

Girls: If you were approached by a cute, but geeky guy for a date, would you say "yes"?headache

Yes, I would! I wish I could find one!

Girls: If you were approached by a cute, but geeky guy for a date, would you say "yes"?paramount theater opera theater

Yes, i kind of like geeky guys but it depends a little on how geeky. If he is an avid star wars fan who knows everything and anything about the movie than yes, if he thinks he is an actual Jedi, than no. There's a fine line between geeky and just plain strange. I think people that fall into the category of geeky are pretty cool. There eccentric and that makes a man in my book a defiant yes, but all girls are different. LOL
of course. i find geeky guys to be very very cute and sweet. im not really attracted to jocks and stuff like that.
i would to see what he is like especially if i know something of him like if he is nice and smart but i would give him a chance only conceited girls don't give chances.
yes i would go out with him
yes, as long as the geekyness wasn't borderline creepy. being a bit of a dork can be cute, but not if you're trying.
If a girl were to approach me and her looks are okay and her personality is good, then i would definitely say yeah

If I liked him and weren't already married to one. :)
If I was single, sure I would say yes. Geeky guys are great - they are great conversationalists, smart, and cute in their own way.
ya I would. I am the kind of person to give anyone a chance
maybe looks dont matter it just depends on how he approachs
I would say yes....=)
depends????how geeky
If I was single, and he was nice and cute why not? I have yet to date a guy who is smarter than me but I would love to!
if he's cute i wud consider

i like intelligent guys but not d bookworms

also he shudn't b shy

%26amp; i also luv experimenting wid d looks %26amp; i guess 4 bringin' sum traformations he wud b my guinea pig
If he's cute, geeky and has a good personality-definitely yes. If he's cute, geeky and boring as mud- definitely NO.
It depends on how they aprouch me. But if they do it rite and impress me sure. i like geeky guys as long as they're open for fun.
i actually don't think there's anything wrong with nerdy guys.. they are awfully cute :D although, that is a biased opinion since my current crush claims himself to be a lil nerdy

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