Saturday, December 5, 2009

1 am 13 if a 27 year old guy purposed to me would i be able to say yes and wait until im of age.?

could i just be engaged to him for about seven more years then we would be able to get married? AND IT'S JUST A QUESTION IM NOT GOING THROUGH THIS SITUATION!!!!

1 am 13 if a 27 year old guy purposed to me would i be able to say yes and wait until im of age.?the grand theater

You can be engaged to anyone you want. However when/if your parents find out - they will freak and if they have any sense they will take you far away from this gentleman.


1 am 13 if a 27 year old guy purposed to me would i be able to say yes and wait until im of age.?soap opera opera theater

well thats a LONG wait

5 years
if this is a hypthetical question, then of course not your can not be engaged to a 27 year old at 13, he could go to jail, and u are too young to even think about being engaged. Go do your homework!
Yes and no.

Technically you would not be able to because it is illegal for 18+ to date someone under 16, because 16 is the age of consent.

However, a proposal does not require any legal work.

So in a way you could if you were 16, but I highly doubt in any situation would it be legal if you were under 16.
That's illegal. Completely illegal.

That guy could go to jail for being that old and being with a minor. He's a pedophile.
i guess so but it would be sooooo... frowned upon and she couldn't sleep wit him or anything sexual
13 year olds do not stay in several year long relationships, let alone relationships that last longer than a month. so no. plus that would just be incredibly creepy.
No! It's not ok, because you would be a little girl and he is a man. A thirteen year old has so much to learn and so much to enjoy about life. Thirteen is too young to be tied down, or even thinking about anything like this.
yes if hes willing to wait
Dont listen to any of them! I have been in a similar situation, I was like 14 and my boyfriend(now my husband) was 21. It is not illegal to have a platonic relationship with someone over the age of 18, but before you are 16 you cannot legally consent to sex, but other than that... your good!
Do not go for it. Will never work. He just have crush on you.
i think you could because an engagment is not legal so i don't think it maters as long as you are only engaged
well yah you could but you wouldn't want to because you have not gone into te dating world yet and you wouldn't know if that is what youreally want
msnbc dateline: to catch a predator.
you don't even know what love is...this question makes me sick to my stomach and i cant believe you would want to merry a pedophile...what kind of 27 year old man would EVER want to merry a 13 year old is NOT about personality and love when your ages are so far I'm 17 and I'm dating a 23 year old and i thought THAT was bad....jeeze...just don't get pregnant.
ok. I understand this question that you are wondering about- which I hope you arent going through. First off - this man should not consider dating a little girl 14 years younger than him, I mean its half his age, he could fall for being your father. Second off - engagement is not really a big thing, you know how people say "i love you" well they say it but the next week they hate eachother, i believe its the same thing as engagement, a guy proposes to a woman but than their done. ok. if you are madly in love with this man - than go for it, but make sure you have dated for over a year+. if you are 13 and engaged- you should ask your parents they know the best, but I would wait til im 19, so I can actually get to know this man. But I would not consider dating a man because they all want sex. I dont care if "hes different" their all the same, their jerks. ok. Well think it over, and i know your not going throught this- it was a good question. Have Fun..

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