Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do you feel and what do you think? Outrageous abuse of power by police I say yes , Polce say no?

click on link for full story,,“At this point, as soon as the city gets served, we will take the appropriate action,” he said.


The suit centers on a confrontation first between Coady and Medina's 17-year-old son and then an incident between the father and officer soon afterward.

The suit alleges Coady ran from his home — badge and radio in hand — screaming on April 26, 2006 toward a car driven by Medina's son, Josh, on Hatchfield Drive. The teen had a passenger in his car.

Coady, using a series of expletives, first yelled that the boy was driving too fast and the car muffler was too loud.

When the teen said he was only in first gear, Coady told him to “shut the (expletive) up or you're going to jail,” according to the suit.

The teen's father heard the conversation over the phone because the boy had called him during the incident, the suit alleged.Coady asked the teen for his driver's license and registration, then threw the paperwork back at him and returned to the house, the lawsuit alleged.

Medina met his “visibly shaken” son at the corner of Hatchfield and Tiffany drives, told the boys to go to school and then went to Coady's house, the suit alleges.

Medina knocked on the front screen door three times and Coady came through the garage door, screaming, the suit alleges.

When Medina asked Coady to calm down and said he wanted to talk about the incident involving his son, the officer told him “it's none of your (expletive) business” and ordered him off his property, according to the suit.

Medina, according to the suit, started to walk away but Coady ran at him, grabbed him by the shirt and threw him against a car in the driveway.

Coady then screamed, according to the suit, “That's it, you're under arrest ... for (expletive) trespassing!”

“You've got to be kidding me,” Medina answered, according to the suit.

“Keep flapping your (expletive) mouth and I'll dream up some more charges, you (expletive) jerk, you don't know nothing about the law,” Coady yelled, according to the suit.

Coady continued to yell, spit on Medina and then put his hands around the man's neck, “lifted him from the ground and tightened his grip,” the suit alleges.

According to the suit, Coady's wife ran from the house, screaming, “Stop Jim, put him down!”

Coady then put his face against Medina's and said: “You little (expletive) idiot, there's no witnesses, I think you just hurt my back,” the suit alleges.

Coady told Medina he was going to sue him, yelled to his wife to call an ambulance, then lay on the ground, the suit alleges.

When police arrived, Coady ordered them to “cuff him and arrest him, he just assaulted me,” the suit alleges.

When Medina tried to tell the officers what happened, the suit alleges that one of the officers told him, “We have to stick together.”

Medina was arrested on charges of trespassing, assault and battery and disturbing the peace, but the case was dismissed after Coady invoked his right against self-incrimination, the suit alleges.

How do you feel and what do you think? Outrageous abuse of power by police I say yes , Polce say no?plays

I think Coady is a madman and had no right to be carrying a badge much less a weapon.

I hope they sue the butt off of the city and every city official involved.

How do you feel and what do you think? Outrageous abuse of power by police I say yes , Polce say no?opera ticket opera theater

Of course it is, and that's why there are suits for civil rights violations under color of law. This cop is clearly unstable (assuming the allegations are true) and he'll end up paying. A lot. And probably the city too.
That cop was out of line. If worked with me I would have him fired in no time I don't tolerate that crap. Hard enough to do the job with our limited resources and powers.
I feel the cops have too much power in this country, and it only takes a few bad cops in a city to tarnish the reputation of an entire force. I wish that the cops were more inclined towards policing each other instead of protecting each other's misdeeds.
The cops are lying crooks too!
Police were always abusing there power. especially in the black community. And the NYC police are the worst, very untrained and they never give a damn about anybody.

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