Saturday, December 5, 2009

Our Planet is the only colourful and beautiful, why are we destroying it by wars,hatred,racism,love

Why sending expeditions to Moon,Mars, when we have a

wonderful planet? We have snow capped mountains, dense

rain forests, lovely lakes,different and colorful races, Rivers

green fields, deserts,birds,animals blue skies, when we have

all these we cannot love peace,harmony and gratitude for

the creation. Why?????

Our Planet is the only colourful and beautiful, why are we destroying it by wars,hatred,racism,love say yes?theater seating

That is a question that I ask everytime I hear of another story of conjugal violence, child abuse, racism, murder and greed. We have been given so much and yet we sit and complain we need more. Peace is for some an elusive dream, almost impossible to acquire, yet its so simple to have. Respect our planet. Do what we can to protect it. Be kind to all the creatures of our earth we all have a right to be here from the grandest of creatures to the smallest all have a right to live. Our hearts are more joyful when we are kind to each other so judge not by color or race or religion but by deed. If we can do that we can enjoy our time on this planet so much more fully.

Our Planet is the only colourful and beautiful, why are we destroying it by wars,hatred,racism,love say yes?lyric opera opera theater

other planets are beautiful and colorful, but they are unlivable.

but we are the destroyers, we always want more than we need, and we hate to clean the mess we leave behind.
Because we are gradually screwing it up and will soon need somewhere else to live
Because humans is a dangerous race.
because people dont know what they have got until its gone, by then it will be too late.
I try to do my small part to leave the planet intact. I try to go "green" I have adopted a child through World Vision and have done so for years and years. I also take care of my own and help through various charities. That is one way spiritually of giving back to the planet. I also realize words have wings so I am careful not to be anyways racist to others as words can hurt and destroy others. I try to live in the here and now. I am respectful and in awe of all Gods creatures. I show kindness to those that are helpless like children and animals and insects. I try to do my part no matter how trivial.
because some people are completely out of reality and ask stupid questions...
Because it takes an objective, overview of the situation and often we become mired in the everyday business at hand on the earthly level....

Those photographs from space are really illuminating ..... Maybe we should have some framed and hang them up to gaze upon....

(psst: what are those words at the end of your headline: love say yes? I don't understand)

yes......other people didn't deserve it,,,

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