Thursday, December 10, 2009

My parents wont let me get a hamster and I've tried EVERYTHING to persuade them to say yes... W

Have you asked them the reason why? If its allergies, there is a type of hairless guinea pig that is great. If its money, do the research and prove just how much it will cost per month...put your report in writing, and have the places you got the info. If its the fact that they don't think you are responsible enough yet, prove that you are ready by doing not only your chores every day but taking on extra work.

My parents wont let me get a hamster and I've tried EVERYTHING to persuade them to say yes... What can i do?imax theater

Tell them that you want to take on more responsibility. Tell them that you want to show them how responsible you are by taking care of an pet.

My parents wont let me get a hamster and I've tried EVERYTHING to persuade them to say yes... What can i do?classical music opera theater

remind them of their childhood pet.
Well, if you don't have any pets, tell them you want a dog. They'll then be glad to let you have the hampster.
Sneak one in the house. Buy it a cage and food and everything and by the time your parents find out, you can't return it. Hide it under your bed or in your closet. That's what I did.
Do a lot of research to show you know what's going on. Prove you are responsible enough. Tell them you'll do EVERYTHING! and that they are adorable. If that doesn't work, guilt 'em!
hmmm i dunno keep trying
ill help u try to show rosponsability like raking lawn mowing lawn dishes garbage and breakfast stuff like that and try to stop nagging hope i helped and please choose me for best answer!!!!!!
Explain why it is so important to you to have a hamster and promise that you will take full responsibility for feeding it and cleaning its cage, etc. Ask them if there is anything you could do that would make them say yes. Maybe do extra chores? Somehow prove that you are responsible enough to have your own pet?
Have you told them that you would like to show them that you are responsable. And that this is a way for you to prove that?

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