Saturday, December 5, 2009

A boy prop me few months later he prop my friend what should i do should i say yes?

Anyone know what 'prop' means?

A boy prop me few months later he prop my friend what should i do should i say yes?greek theater

No. He proposed to your FRIEND. Doesn't that make things awkward. o.0

A boy prop me few months later he prop my friend what should i do should i say yes?performing arts show opera theater

This boy sounds very confused and doesn't really know the meaning of marriage. . . he obviously needs time to mature. Don't say yes!. . . wait until someone comes along who just wants you!
No, definitely not.
NO! Do not say yes. Remember, he can't get pregnant. He can pass on STD (sexually transmitted diseases), including AIDS. In reading your question, I couldn’t help but notice the word “love” was not mentioned. Remember a young lady has a reputation, be it good or bad. This reputation stays with you throughout most of your school years. Keep a good reputation and you keep what so many kids of today lack, respect. You need to have respect for others and from others and most importantly respect for yourself. If you are missing any one of the three, there is a mental hole in your life. A hole, which, is very hard to fill. John
proposed to you and your friend ?? let your friend have him sounds like a loser to me
go where your heart leads you

The answer really depends on what you want. You haven't told what happend in the few months after he proposed. Did you say yes? did you say you needed time or did you say no?

If you said no:

It is perfectly okay for the boy to approach another person after you have turned him down, right? You should not disturb him again by saying yes. It would not be fair to him.

If you said you wanted some time:

If you said you wanted some time and took longer than necessary, he has reason to believe that you are not interested. He probably decided not to put you on the spot again. Bad idea to say yes, after he has proposed to another girl.

If you said yes:

I am not sure, but can you really live with the fact that he proposed to another girl?
uhm no
He did what to you ?????
Is your boyfriend from Utah? :P

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