Thursday, December 10, 2009

OK, thanks for all of your responses, but I'm still a little confused, some of you say yes, oth

I'm from Texas originally, and moved to Michigan 10 yrs ago. My Texas license expired, and I called DPS before coming back to Texas. They said I'd have to re apply as a new licensee, with photo ID (passport, ect) social security card, and birth certificate. I've also been told by some locals here in Dallas, that I could get a license in Texas, but would have to take some driver training course first. I was suspended over a DUI charge, which turned out to minor, because I wasn't far over the legal limit, and only got off with a fine. However the fine is an unwarranted $2000, that's 1000 dollars per year for two consecutive years I have to pay. For the person who mentioned contacting the Michigan DMV, they don't have one there, it's the Secretary of State who controls licenses. I could handle not being able to return to Michigan for 3yrs, I have no intentin of returning there ever again. I just need to know for sure what I can and cannot do here back home in Texas.

OK, thanks for all of your responses, but I'm still a little confused, some of you say yes, others no?phantom of the opera

Secy of State in MI and DMV are the same thing. Call them and ask how you can take care of the warrant. The MI Secy of State caused the warrant to be issued, so they can advise you. You may have to spend some time on the phone to get the info, and you may need to go back to MI, but do you want to drive in TX or not? Also, you could be arrested on the MI warrant, so why take the chance?

OK, thanks for all of your responses, but I'm still a little confused, some of you say yes, others no?listen to opera opera theater

In all this question the REAL POINT you want to make is this:

I got tagged for DUI (Driving under the influence) and the fine is $2000 (appropriate). It seems to be that since you DID Drink and Drive, and the fine is assessed (and you need to pay the fine for this -- it IS your fault that you DRINK and DRIVE -- you CHOSE this action!).

After that -- nothing much matters anymore. YOU need to solve the fine and the problems with the DUI First -- then worry about what you need to do to get a NEW driver's License -- and I will BET that you WILL have to do quite a few things that others will NOT have to do -- including the possibility of taking a special course for those who HAVE convictions for DUIs.

Go back to Michigan -- their DMV is in their Secretary of State Office. Get that problem SOLVED -- even if it means going on a payment plan. SOLVE that problem --

THEN, and ONLY Then, will you be able to get a License (maybe) back in Texas. I can assure you that Texas Driver's License Bureau WILL check the previous state to see about Your DRIVING record there -- and what will pop up -- the DUI of course -- so they WILL be reluctant to just issue a License for you.
Did you get the DUI in texas or Michigan? Why don't you call the office and talk to them. You can set up a payment plan with them. As long as you pay your fines you will be fine.
ok - go ask the dmv not us we are not the dmv
You would of course have to live and move back to Texas, since you can not be a resident of another state and have the licence of another state.

But if your licence in one state is suspended it is illegal to get another one, since your licence is suspended. You have to clear the reason it is suspended to get another one legally anyway.
Thank god Michigan cracks down on drunks drivers! It's odd to see you have sorry grapes because Michigan caught you drinking and driving. Thankfully for you (and potential victims), they caught you before you killed someone.
The fine is NOT unwarranted!! If you were a drunk in MI, chances are you'll be a drunk in Texas. Pay your dues and stop whining! You don't deserve to drive.
Pay the fine, keep the receipts. The Dept of Motor Vehicles IS the secretary of state in Michingan. BE SURE TO KEEP THE RECEIPTS, otherwise your past may come back to haunt you. Contact a probation officer if you have one.
glad you left Michigan .. we have enough problems without another drunk here driving around without a license
You can't drive without a license, I know that much. Better just go down and talk to the people at the Texas DMV.
You just need a photo ID. The driving test is only for people who have never had a drivers license in their life, and for those under 18. I would however recommend a defensive driving course that will cost you about 30.00 but saves you 5% on your car insurance.
When I returned to Texas, I had to get a new license, but I don't remember exactly what all I had to do. I know I didn't have to show my birth certificate.... I think I only showed my out of state license, social security card, but not a passport. Best advice I can think of is to call or email the DMV in Texas and ask them.
I am not clear on the exact situation you are in. Is your MI license suspended or do you just have to pay the fine?

Texas will recognize an out of state suspension and refuse to issue you a new license until the suspension is removed. This is shown in the Transportation Code Section 521.201 (5) (as cited below). If your license is not suspended yet so that you could legally drive in MI, you can get a Texas license while you are paying the fines. Texas does recognize non payment of other state fines as grounds for a suspension though.

So, the best thing is to pay the fines you owe and then get a clear driver's license in Texas (or MI), and not to drive until you do this. Driving while your license is suspended is a class B misdemeanor, meaning you get arrested and can spend up to six months in jail. The second link below will show you this law.

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