Thursday, December 10, 2009

Theres this guy named cody he likes me but i think i like him should i say yes but i am 10?

You are 10! NO you should be a LITTLE GIRL!

Theres this guy named cody he likes me but i think i like him should i say yes but i am 10?

Yes to what??

Theres this guy named cody he likes me but i think i like him should i say yes but i am 10?amc theatre opera theater

Do what your heart says, some adults *cough*RECENT POSTERS*cough* don't remember that we can love at an early age.
I think the responses you are getting is more then enough proof that you are too young to be thinking about these things! I agree with the rest and say NO!
Dating at ten is just silly! It's not going to go anywhere and you aren't ready for it yet. Just be friends for now and wait until you're older before you try dating or anything like that.
Say NO! Enjoy learning. Learn about everything you can. Its too easy to make decisions that have horrible consequences when your young! You don't need a boyfriend. Boyfriends are really easy to get so there its always best to wait! Besides boys usually have only 1 thing in mind. Trust the people who have lived through it.
Does your mother know about this, little girl?
Where are your parents at while you are online? I take it they let you sit at the computer and use it as a baby sitter. UGH!! I hate parents who do that. It's dangerous for you to even be in here posting or answering. Your 10. Go play with your friends and rollerskate or something your age.
You are 10?!?! No way! You have no business dating or thinking of dating anyone at this age!!
say Yes to what?

A girl should Always say No until you're old enough to support yourself..

You can walk down to diary queen and have an ice cream if your mom or dad comes along too. That's okay to do.
Why do you constantly put ur age in ur questions???
What are you doing? You are ten years old. Be a kid while you can.
to young to be dating. aren't 10 years old still into barbie dolls %26amp; cooties? and going out? where woud you go??
You're a kid, what are you doing? Say no and enjoy life.

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