Thursday, December 10, 2009

My boyfriend might ask him to marry him at 15 and he's 14 sould i say yes to marry him or no to

Your too young and people change so much as time goes by... Unless he is incredibly religious ( in which case his personality will be fairly stable) but at this age I think your too young.

My boyfriend might ask him to marry him at 15 and he's 14 sould i say yes to marry him or no to.?opera singer

I think you should not worry about marriage right now. That is a big step in life and alot to come with it. You should concentrate on school right now and enjoy your time being a young. If you think you are in love just accept a promise ring from him. And see how everything goes after you graduate from college. Then think about taking that next step.

My boyfriend might ask him to marry him at 15 and he's 14 sould i say yes to marry him or no to.?amc theater opera theater

are you crazy ?
Both you guys are way too you to commit to something as serious as marriage. As you get older, your perceptions change. Just give yourselves some time and it in a few years, once you're done with your schooling etc., and you're still together, then think about it.
How about a "provisional yes"... that you will marry him provided he can graduate school, get some college and be able to provide for a family.

As sweet as it sounds... being married and being able to spend all your time with him, is probably what your heart and hormones want to hear. Sex is a huge responsibility.

The truth of the matter is that babies will be arriving and you both will have to support them. Getting married and starting those responsibilities too early, before you can support yourselves, is asking for pure misery. You don't want to be saddled with trying to rear your babies all by yourself because this boy got in too deep and too early and then decided that it was too much of a burden.

All boys talk a good line, but they really need to get out into the work world and prove themselves as men. Why would you want to surrender your autonomy to an unproven kid? At your current age, you will probably outgrow him remarkably fast.

At age 15 you are a lot more mature than he is. What does this kid really know about marriage and relationships and survival in the adult world? Not much, I'll wager. At age 14 he is still pretty much a toddler, and will probably be until his mid-20s.

Actually, you need to focus on getting your own education, graduating, going to college or some technical school, and being able to support yourself. If you can go into the world from a position of strength, you will be a lot better off.

Get out and experience the world and yourself before settling down. Get to know who YOU are before making these life decisions. Take your time to plan and do things right.
How can we answer this question for you? That right there tells me no. You expect strangers to answer such a personal question that will change your life regardless of the answer. Talk to you parents. Talk to his parents. See what is said. I think that most 15 year olds are too young for such a commitment. Somebody answered that he was probably saying that just to get into your pants. That is a possibility, but he may feel "love", but love at this age can turn to an obsession. Think long and hard about it. I wish you luck.
Are you serious? He's 15, you're 14, Do your parents know about this?????
If you live in the US, at 15, even if he has parental consent to marry, most states (with the exception of a very, very few) won't allow it without court approval (some states won't allow it at all). Good luck getting that. Judges realize that 15-year-old *children* lack the maturity for marriage, AND they lack the financial ability. Since child labor laws greatly restrict the number of hours a 15-year-old can work, there is no way he'll be able to support a family (paying for rent, utilities, food, etc).

Tell him you'll marry him when you both turn 18.
i think your'e too young to be thinking about marriage right now. You never know what might happen in the future with your relationship. The best thing would be to just enjoy life, and the freedom you have right now, freedom which you won't have when you are married.YOu should just say to him to wait till you are a little older to ask that question.
get out of here you r crazy. When will you finish school if you marry at 14. Stop that now!!!!!!!!
no, 1st your too young for that...marriage is for a couple that knows what they where doing. 2nd i think your parent wont allow you... 3rd try to think of it, being stuck with a 14 yr old guy???? you have no future ,what the helll

yeah, do it

go on, say yes

then have kids

you'll love your life

ahahhahahahahahahhaha 14
I wouldn't be surprised if he's just doing that to get into your pants.
You're too young to make this commitment. By the time you're 24 or something, it'll be almost a decade later and you'll change a lot. You might not even like him anymore. For now, I think it's best to just stay bf/gf. If it lasts til when you're both old enough, good for you!

Good luck.

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