Saturday, December 5, 2009

If Bush could run for office again right now would you vote for him? If you say yes , WHY?

Interesting question. So far, I'm not wild crazy about any of the current candidates. I don't know if I'd vote for Bush again, but there IS something to say for the argument "better the devil you know than the devil you don't." Uncertainty gets more difficult for me the older I get.

If Bush could run for office again right now would you vote for him? If you say yes , WHY?oper

MC Cain's double? HELL NO

If Bush could run for office again right now would you vote for him? If you say yes , WHY?hollywood theater opera theater

He is....his name is John McCain!
If it was him versus Obama or Hillary, probably.
No, we need to restore integrity back to the office of the president.
He is certainly better than any democrat.
Under George Bush, this country had months of strong economic growth, the largest in history.

Our mortgage problem, was in part brought about by the democrats pressuring banks to lend monies to the poor and needy, Bush was against the program.

He stood up against the enemies of the US, he did not want to sit down as discuss things with them like Jimmy Carter did and Obama %26amp; Hillary want to do

He is not for expanding welfare or providing government hand outs to the lazy or un-educated.

He is in favor of school vouchers, he's for the more successful charter and/or private school systems

Most of all Bush, loves his country, he has proven that,

He believes that are military are the greatest in the world, and he has proven that.

(remember more than twice military personnel were killed under Clinton than Bush)

He will not let our military go down in defeat,

He believes in God, America and the American People

Neither Clinton nor Obama have given any evidence that they do

Legal Eagle - it appears that you have a liberal education, it would be better served if you looked into facts nor fiction
YES! Because he has shown that he can defend this country and unlike Clinton, Obama and even MAC Bush was given a BRAIN and has a SPINE also!
No, because Bush has not held to the conservative principles of reduced government. I think that John McCain will do a fine job in finishing up the war.
If it was Bush vs McCain I would leave the country they are the same damn person
Hmmmm, well that would really depend on who he was running against. Would his opponent be pro-border security and fiscally conservative? If so, I would have to give a resounding no to Mr. Bush.
Yes.....why? easy question.............Obama,Clinton,McCai...
... ow... the thought hurts my soul...
No. I'm independent but usually lean towards the right, but I didn't vote for this joker either time. The fact is he's an embarrassment. He can't make a speech or walk out of a room without making a jacka$$ out of himself. He lacks the basic intelligence for the job.
Only a bonafide fool would do that. Apparently there are some out there. "Dude nuke em!" Whew!
No, Only complete morons with distorted realities would vote for him, and by some previous answers I can see there are a couple on here.
If Bush had another 4 years coming I'd move to Costa Rica.
ABSOLUTELY!!! Not 41, but DEFINITELY 43, his son!!! McCain will be in office Jan 20, 2009, so ALL IS WELL!!!
No, and I'm Republican.
I'm like Will Smith on Fresh Prince HEELLLLLL.NO
He as seriously disappointed me in many respects but he still beats the loosers we have been left to chose from.

No. We need someone who will fix what bush did

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