Saturday, December 5, 2009

My best friend is mad at me because her crush likes me.He ask me out should I say yes or no?

What should I do to my friend?

My best friend is mad at me because her crush likes me.He ask me out should I say yes or no?theatre tickets

To preserve your friendship, you should turn down the date....

And make sure your friend knows it- she should understand that you care more about her being there.

My best friend is mad at me because her crush likes me.He ask me out should I say yes or no?opera house opera theater

Whether your friend is mad at you or not, stay away from her boyfriend/admirer.

You have to choose between your best friend and your crush. I would say go out with him because if she really is your friend, then she will be happy for you.
If you were a true friend you defiantly say no.
what do you value more,her friendship or, his company
your friendship should be more important. do not go out with someone that your friend like.there will be another guy for you soon
If you like him...say yes! Your friend needs to find somebody that actually likes her. Your relationship with the guy shouldn't have any effect on her! She's jealous if she gets mad over him liking you. Who wants a friend like that? Tell her straight up, he asked me out...and I said yes. If she gets mad, so be it. You can't live your life for other people. You have to make yourself happy. What would the friend do if the tables were turned? I'm sure she'd say yes if given the opportunity.
Talk to your friend 'bout it then do things from there.

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