Thursday, December 10, 2009

If before the war GWB said he will spend 6000$ of your money each would you still say yes?

Eventually someone will need to start paying for this war with interest. Costing a family of 4 24,000$.

I know I would not like spending 12000$ for my family for this war.

If before the war GWB said he will spend 6000$ of your money each would you still say yes?theater

Better than 6000 for the lazy jerk down the street that won't get off their butt and work except to breed more kids.

If before the war GWB said he will spend 6000$ of your money each would you still say yes?london theatre opera theater

The end result will be much higher than the investment...
why worry

every week America spends 20 - 30 million to go to the movies and How much for PPV OR how much for a football, baseball. basketball, hockey game, ?? another 100 million???

GO away it is missed placed values..

America could be on a cash basis with just one year of dedicated effort IF if every thing was fair

65 million for a CEO's bonus some group of Americans paid that gouged and inflated money and there are another 500+ CEO's
Buddy, military spending is this high, war or no war!

Also, he never asked the public, it was never voted on,

he just told his party to support him and went in.

Maybe some good will come of the war %26amp; intervention yet.
Who says I said yes in the beginning? We need to take care of our people first (healthcare, education, etc) then worry about other people.
I might be wrong of course, but, I believe almost all the money for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are off budget. Which means that the money goes not onto the tax burden, but directly to the National Debt. The National Debt is floated by issuing various debt vehicles, t-bills etc. So, the people BUYING these debt instruments are financing the war. The largest buyers are of course, Middle Eastern States (tons of surplus oil money) and the Chinese (tons of trade deficit money). If the money for the wars was taken directly out of the American taxpayers pocket, the screaming would be unbelievable. That's why I believe these wars are popular amongst the Republicans. They get a war against their enemies, whether real or imagined, and they don't have to pay higher taxes for it. Win-Win for them.
Tax dollars yes, but to give my own life just to get Saddam and then have this mess afterwards, no. If others bear the risk then yes.
Would I be willing to pay $6,000 to be rid of Saddam Hussein? -- YES!!
Of course not!!! But I didn't agree with the war in the first place.
Yes, I rather unnecessarily kill Iraqi and afghan people than to feed Americans. My sense of patriotism is the best for this nation.
It would depend entirely upon that for which he wanted to use the money.
I would because I believed his lies. $6000 would have been cheap if all he said was true.
you bet ye.
if it bring democracy to the middle east then YES.

See how much my taxes has been wasted on Welfares??? and it is FOREVER.
yes because if for no other reason it's less than my taxes now, and it is better spent than the money wasted on welfare,health care,education,unemployment,foreign aid, and any number of other government waste that my tax dollars go to now.

he did tell you he was going to spend $6000 of your money before the war. he said it when he took the oath of office as have all the presidents before him that told you they would spend the tax payers money.

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