Saturday, December 5, 2009

My best freind asked me to be his boyfriend and i like him to, should i say yes or no?

i would think really long and hard over this decision because this could also be the end of your friendship if you decide that its not working out . you may see a side of him that you never knew existed and a side that you may not like so be carefull and when your sure hell yeah go for it

My best freind asked me to be his boyfriend and i like him to, should i say yes or no?home theater system

say yes, he is already your best friend.

My best freind asked me to be his boyfriend and i like him to, should i say yes or no?the grand theater opera theater

yes, no one wud know you better than your bestfriend. Best is someone spl, and if he wants to become your boyfriend, you are the luckiest one.

So all my best wishes, go ahead.
Say yes.
Depends on how you feel about plastic surgury? Are you realy willing to change sex for him?
Say Yes, he is your best friend and he does know every thing about you I think that is so awesome!!!!!!!!! But when yall break up things might change and yall might feel strange around i think that you should think about it first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sure but take it slow

and since you were his friend first, did you see how he treated others he dated? use that as a guide(if he was a dog chances are...)

ALSO be prepared to loose a best friend because if all goes wrong and you break-up I doubt your friendship will ever be the same, if at all
He asked you to be his BOYFRIEND! Okay.
You already know him, go out with him; either your feelings towards him will get stronger or not. But if you feel that on your first dated it won't work, tell him immediately and say that you rather just be friends. Maybe this way you can still continue to be good friends. Try it, life is too short.
Just look at this way if things don't work out would you be willing to have no relationship with him at all. Because if ya'll break up it may make it difficult to be just friends again. Just think before you make a decision!
If u like him then say yes...but if u guys were 2 date and then break up then it might ruin your friendship...just give it a lot of thought.
well i guess if you are a guy then say yes. but if not then go get a sex change. just kidding no but put a lot of thought into it because it can ruin your friendship
say yes,you already know he's not a jerk,so it will be really romantic
say yes because he knows you best and knows what you want and like.
YES BABY..........plz say yes... he might be paining for you... say yes

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