Thursday, December 10, 2009

I got asked out by a really hot guy but he is kinda a jerk...should I say yes?

If he asked you out in a nice way, I say yes. It could just be the vibe he gives off. If he was a jerk in the way he asked you out...say heck no. Some people are just misunderstood. He might be the best boyfriend ever. Just be sure to have a back up plan and if he starts being a jerk, get out of the situation quick.

I got asked out by a really hot guy but he is kinda a jerk...should I say yes?tickets

Trust your first impressions. If you feel like he's a jerk, don't waste your time. There are plenty of nice guys out there.

I got asked out by a really hot guy but he is kinda a jerk...should I say yes?ballet opera theater

Go out with him-and see if he really is a jerk!
do you know if he's a jerk for sure? or did he just come off that way? If you know he's a jerk, don't waste your time. Although you're friends will applaud you for his looks, looks don't last. Don't waste your time.

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