Thursday, December 10, 2009

Say ur dating, and a great look-n guy and 2 or 3 beers later.. would you cheat yes,,, or No,,,????

thanks for all the responses,, please be honest,, i mean a great look-n guy 1 in a life time.. would you sneak out with him??

Say ur dating, and a great look-n guy and 2 or 3 beers later.. would you cheat yes,,, or No,,,????movie theatre

No.... why would one do that? It shouldn't be all about looks. Carry yourself the way you would want your great looking guy to carry himself in your absence. If your boyfriend is not doing it for you let him know then once you break up then pursue other love interests.

Don't blame anything on a few drinks. If its in you to be unfaithful then it is what it is..That is what is in your nature. 2 or 3 beers one still knows what he or she is doing.

Say ur dating, and a great look-n guy and 2 or 3 beers later.. would you cheat yes,,, or No,,,????playhouse opera theater

no...i love my boyfriend more than anything..i would never cheat on him
I don't cheat. period. Looks are not that important.
Currently I am married so no matter if it was Brad Pitt I wouldn't cheat. HOWEVER- If I was just dating (not a seriously commited relationship) I would be tempted.
just dating, probably! No one would ever know.
no, not even for the best looking man in the world, would I cheat on the guy that I am with, I would never hurt him like that, it is just wrong ( and I don't drink so that won't help either)
No qualms about hurting or decieving someone else while you're "living once". Pretty selfish. Pretty sad.
hell ya- you only live once
It depends on how much I enjoy the person I'm dating.

If I really like him or if I love him, I won't cheat.

If I can really care less about him and/or feel that I like this new guy much better, I'd cheat.
no i wouldnt cheat on my bf...if i were single i'd go!
Not a chance - zip - zero - not a sausage! Never!
I suppose if looks meant everything...SHALLOW!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe if he was an awesome man, personality, humor, money and I was only dating my guy. But I am married and so glad that I am cause I would be laughing at you for not looking for the single women. Probably laughing at you using pretty boy techniques to pick up ladies too.

No matter how much I am under the influence, nothing will ever posess me to cheat!
No. I've never cheated in my life and I'm not about to begin. Besides looks is superficial, maybe he's an idiot. *shrugs*
no i wouldnt
I know this sounds really corny but when you love someone none of that matters. When you are in love and I mean not in love with the idea but in love with the person who you lay next to at night. The guy who drools and snores in his sleep and occasionally can offend you with his hardcore honesty that makes your realationship worthwhile, then everything else dosent matter. When you find that acceptance with someone else and the ability of allowing yourself to accept who that someone else is good or bad, you know nothing else can compare. Yes looks can be the glamour that rears you in. but when the makeup comes off, the face of his sweet talk. You may find him to be the most ugliest man you have ever known
NO! 2 or 3 beers are not enough to forget someone I like and love just for some pretty face that is in the same room with me.. It is so difficult to find someone special in your life that you love and who gives you love back that I'm sure I would know how to appreciate what I have.. Unfortunately never had it and probably never will.. Now I'm trying to forget and overcome my broken relationship, he cheated on me and I know I would never do that to someone else.. It hurts like hell and no one deserves it for no reason in this world, and definitely not because of bottle of alcohol..
No, I have respect for myself.
All these women are lying, or your question has somehow attracted a VERY small slice of the population of non-cheating women.
i will never ever cheat. its a selfish, disrespectful act and that so F*ed up. If you want to be with someone else then you shouldnt be in a relationship, its that easy. don't break someone heart or decieve someone because you are stupid and immature
No... Why? If your with your bf and you love him there is no reason to... Maybe he is not the one for you if your thinking about it.

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