Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do you believe in the rapture, do you believe you will be raptured and those who say yes to both?

Are you really that self righteous

Do you believe in the rapture, do you believe you will be raptured and those who say yes to both?concert tickets

I do not believe I will be raptured. It's not something I'm into.

HOWEVER ... who are you to deny those who *do* believe? Why shatter their dreams?

Where is the love in that?

Do you believe in the rapture, do you believe you will be raptured and those who say yes to both?theater seating opera theater

I'm a 'relatively' new Christian and I believe in eternal life.

I don't understand what you mean by saying that we Christians believe that we have the right to do anything we want. On the contrary, we often have to fight the urge to submit to our sinful nature.

Personally speaking, for the most part, the life I led and the aspirations I had are no longer relevant to my life today. I'm a different person and no longer even desire much of what I used to chase after. I still do have bad habits that I have to contend with.

Are you saying that someone like me, a bumbling Christian, can indulge in these bad habits on a habitual basis and get away with it just because I believe in Jesus Christ? No. For me, 'walking in Christ' is a bit like a baby taking its first steps: you keep falling and getting up again. Except that the incentives, the rewards if you will, are different. The baby needs to walk and the Christian needs to strive for a sinless life. That is the daily challenge.

I'm not too caught up in the rapture scenario which, to me, seems to be particularly emphasised by American Christians. It is enough for me to know that one day my soul will leave this earth. I see no self-righteousness in that.
The only righteousness Christians have is that which is given to them by the Lord upon their conversion. So there's nothing to boast about. And yes, I believe in the rapture, but if it doesn't happen pretty soon, I'll probably die first.
Yes and yes because of God's Word. It is not because of my own righteousness that causes me to believe that I am worthy of the rapture, but it is my Lord's righteousness that qualifies me. There is nothing that I can do to earn God's unmerited favor, it is given freely to all those He adopts as His own. It is a Family thing. His righteousness is imputed unto me because I am His and He is mine. He has put His own Word above His name for His name sake.

He has offered eternal life to all those who turn from their sins and receive His Son as their Lord. When we do, God gives us the Holy Ghost(God Himself)Acts 2:38.
The Bible doesn't teach a rapture, so, no, I don't believe in it.

And no one is saved until the end, as Jesus said:

Matthew 24:13 -- But he who endures to the end shall be saved.

The Word of God also makes a point that those written in the Book of Life can be blotted out of it.

So, no, we are not allowed to do whatever we want. It is he that does the will of God that is saved, not who does his own will.

Read this (easy to understand) article regarding the Rapture:
where does it even say rapture in the bible? and if so what version? I dont get it...
Yes and Yes, not for anything that I have done, but for what Jesus did for me on the cross.
Rapture doctrine doesn't have much substance behind it. A few ambiguous, disconnected bible passages and a whole lot of imagination. I think it's silly.
I do believe in the rapture-but i don't know when the rapture is so i have no idea if i will be raptured or not. I think i will die before that happens and yes, i think i will still be here even after 2012
The rapture eschatology is a rather new one in historical terms.

It was started by Darby in the mid 1850's and today not all Christians accept the teaching.

I'm not a Christian so no to both questions.
The rapture is not biblical. I assume you are talking about those that think that God will fly them outta here before tribulation or before antichrist is here on earth. No, God will not take true Christians away. I am Christian and I'm not going anywhere.
I'm not giving you a real answer because you don't want one. "Are you really that self-righteous" shows me what you really want.

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