Saturday, December 5, 2009

Should John Evander Cooey be put to death for the Rape and murder of Jessica Lunsford? I say yes imm

The death penalty should only be for the worst of the worst. More times than not I am against the penalty when life without possibility of parole is an option. However to place a nine year old girl in a plastic bag and place her in a shallow grave alive, and leave the state to avoid capture ... he deserves to die as soon as possible. I realy don't want his blood on my hands but he needs to die and soon.

Should John Evander Cooey be put to death for the Rape and murder of Jessica Lunsford? I say yes immediately!?sunshine

No, he should be thrown into prison with the general population and whatever happens to him, happens.

Think Dahmer (we all know what happened to him in prison)

Should John Evander Cooey be put to death for the Rape and murder of Jessica Lunsford? I say yes immediately!?star theater opera theaterLet the law work-it is possible that the heinous of this crime, a lonely cell with one hour to walk, as to GP Mark wants justice and the courts will do it, sentence him to death legally %26amp; let him meet his maker-send him straight to hel , that scares me more than your suggestions- Report It

No inmate should risk his own freedom and Part 2 Mark would agree-Imagine 23 hours %26amp; one hour to walk a barbed wire pen alone-human no contact,money- time to think, special the last meal - Let the courts prevail Report It

Part 3 remember hate hurts us far more Bless Mark for the man he is; endeavour keep positive thoughts in his direction- learn from him: provide support ,love what he needs to finish his work for Jess %26amp; other children-support him emotionally; Report It

part 4those who can end money to defray travel costs; travel where needed to prevent this for any family- Report It

part 5 Not a preacher; detest this man-but whats right is straightforward %26amp; just Marks work passing laws to promote %26amp; save kids - give our suppport turn anger %26amp; grief into positive action, it will all come in the end- Report It

part 6 Not suggesting you forgive-do everything in your power to make this a powerful impact on our country and society, follow Marks lead-be proactive make anger work for us- no more Jessicas' God Bless you all Report It

Not just yes but HELL YES! I would be willing to execute him with my bare hands.
Yes, I agree with you. And I don't believe that he should be declared "mentally retarded" because of his IQ score, in order to avoid the Death Penalty.

He obviously knew how to torture, rape, and murder a child. I don't think a person who was mentally retarded would know how to do this.
Yes he should be put to death. I have heard that the most painful death is lethal injection but that looks to painless and restful to me. I think he should have the same fear that poor little girl had. He needs to pay the concequences for his actions. I know the Bible says to forgive, but doesnt it also say eye for an eye?
Put him in a bag, and bury him. No less, no more.
I say the same, but his sick a** into a bag and place him into a shallow grave and leave him there. Sick bastard.

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