Saturday, December 5, 2009

If u were a sophomore girl in high school and a freshman asked u out wuld u say yes?

theres this sophomore in my spanish class and i always make her laugh and i think she might have a thing for her shuld i ask her out after i get closer with her

If u were a sophomore girl in high school and a freshman asked u out wuld u say yes?getting late

I wouldn't date a freeshamn since I am always old for my own grade, but I know people who have dated underclassmen and it has worked. go for it if you feel it is right.

If u were a sophomore girl in high school and a freshman asked u out wuld u say yes?regal theater opera theater

sure. go for it. ask her out!
I was a sophmore who dated a freshman. He was one of the nicest boyfriends I had
Ask her out. I'm a sophmore and I have dated a few freshman. :)

Hope it works out hun
if i like you i wouldnt think its wrong i would be comfortable with you...go for it all she can say is no ...
go for it. you will regret it if you dont!
my sister did
Depends not on his/your age but if you like him, etc.
I dated a sophomore boy when I was a junior..... that's close! But keep in mind I'm really old now, so I don't have any idea what's cool anymore!
Sure. Learn how to type first though.
why not....?
i wuld go out with someone younger than me or older than me. no difference to me. But ask her some questions, get curious but not obvious. Dont bore her to death, make her be flexible with you. Have fun, dont say crappy things tho...its a bad thing ;D -Ria ? ~15 yrs~
If the connection and sparks are there, go for it. Age is nothing but a number.

Trust me. I come from experience :)
..yeah..age doedn't matter..go!!!
Yes go for it and ask her. You never know until you ask..
um well no its not wierd, but its really embarissing if she says that she dates only her class men or older. but yeah im a sophmore but i started early so im younger than ppl expect and i should b a freshmen right now....for me i really have to like the guy even if he's the same age or a yr or 2 older than me...but i dont really think of dating a freshmen but give it a try you'll never know and you'll feel bad if u dont ... well good luck
The question is do you really like him or are you just wondering if you'll hurt his feelings.
It depends if he is attractive and if he is fun to be with I wouldn't see a problem with it
in school, one year doesn't make that much of a difference. maybe 3 or 4 will. once you're working already, 4 years doesn't make any difference, especially if you have the chemistry and get along pretty well. go for it and good luck.

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