Thursday, December 10, 2009

If before the war GWB said he will spend 6000$ of your money each would you still say yes?

Eventually someone will need to start paying for this war with interest. Costing a family of 4 24,000$.

I know I would not like spending 12000$ for my family for this war.

If before the war GWB said he will spend 6000$ of your money each would you still say yes?theater

Better than 6000 for the lazy jerk down the street that won't get off their butt and work except to breed more kids.

If before the war GWB said he will spend 6000$ of your money each would you still say yes?london theatre opera theater

The end result will be much higher than the investment...
why worry

every week America spends 20 - 30 million to go to the movies and How much for PPV OR how much for a football, baseball. basketball, hockey game, ?? another 100 million???

GO away it is missed placed values..

America could be on a cash basis with just one year of dedicated effort IF if every thing was fair

65 million for a CEO's bonus some group of Americans paid that gouged and inflated money and there are another 500+ CEO's
Buddy, military spending is this high, war or no war!

Also, he never asked the public, it was never voted on,

he just told his party to support him and went in.

Maybe some good will come of the war %26amp; intervention yet.
Who says I said yes in the beginning? We need to take care of our people first (healthcare, education, etc) then worry about other people.
I might be wrong of course, but, I believe almost all the money for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are off budget. Which means that the money goes not onto the tax burden, but directly to the National Debt. The National Debt is floated by issuing various debt vehicles, t-bills etc. So, the people BUYING these debt instruments are financing the war. The largest buyers are of course, Middle Eastern States (tons of surplus oil money) and the Chinese (tons of trade deficit money). If the money for the wars was taken directly out of the American taxpayers pocket, the screaming would be unbelievable. That's why I believe these wars are popular amongst the Republicans. They get a war against their enemies, whether real or imagined, and they don't have to pay higher taxes for it. Win-Win for them.
Tax dollars yes, but to give my own life just to get Saddam and then have this mess afterwards, no. If others bear the risk then yes.
Would I be willing to pay $6,000 to be rid of Saddam Hussein? -- YES!!
Of course not!!! But I didn't agree with the war in the first place.
Yes, I rather unnecessarily kill Iraqi and afghan people than to feed Americans. My sense of patriotism is the best for this nation.
It would depend entirely upon that for which he wanted to use the money.
I would because I believed his lies. $6000 would have been cheap if all he said was true.
you bet ye.
if it bring democracy to the middle east then YES.

See how much my taxes has been wasted on Welfares??? and it is FOREVER.
yes because if for no other reason it's less than my taxes now, and it is better spent than the money wasted on welfare,health care,education,unemployment,foreign aid, and any number of other government waste that my tax dollars go to now.

he did tell you he was going to spend $6000 of your money before the war. he said it when he took the oath of office as have all the presidents before him that told you they would spend the tax payers money.

Is it good idea to put a piano in a small room (96 feet room). Just say yes or no?

I know the room is too small but I have no where else to put small townhouse.

Is it good idea to put a piano in a small room (96 feet room). Just say yes or no?theatre

Sure, 96 square feet is plenty large enough for a piano.

Is it good idea to put a piano in a small room (96 feet room). Just say yes or no?opera music opera theater

Sure. I had my upright piano in the passage between the living and dining areas in my townhouse. Put it on a wall that is not shared with another tenant if you plan on playing it!
no, crowding is bad

Should Summersnite go out with me next weekend ? Why or why not? Do you think she will say yes?

Sure she should. At least you have a decent sense of humour.

Should Summersnite go out with me next weekend ? Why or why not? Do you think she will say yes?pacific theater

Make sure you bring her flowers, a box of See's Candy, your credit card (so you can take her shoe shopping), and take a bath.

Should Summersnite go out with me next weekend ? Why or why not? Do you think she will say yes?phantom of the opera opera theater

who is summernite. someone you just met, give us more info
Awwwww Trasky has a crush!!! Thats soooo cute!
Sorry, Rev, but this question has been asked a million times already. Go look under relationships and you'll find entire listings of "do they love me, how do I get them to love me, how can I tell if they like me." These type of questions are getting pretty damn old.
only if she has no brain!!! no taste!! no sense of self worth!! no future!! no options!! and no choice!!!!
Why are you thinking about dating if your name says REV.? Are you a roman catholic? I don't know summersnite, but if its meant to be it will happen.
She might if you put up your real picture and you are good looking but I don't think you would have much in common and besides, She probably has many men wanting to date her since we will be seeing more of Summer's-eve-nings.And you know what those warm evenings do to men! You see men were made in the image of the devil as they , or at least some are cheats and liars, where as a woman was made in Gods image because she is the one that reproduces and now that we have cloning women might not need men .:)
Maybe have you even asked her yet?
Why don't you ask her? You can never tell. But since you only know her from online, she'd probably say no. It would be the safe thing to do.
Trask, its time to take the thorazine, its time to take the thorazine, ITS TIME TO TAKE THE THORAZINE!

didn't you mention something about having a meddlin wife a few questions back?
i thought you want alter boy's

My husband says I can't buy another Guinea pig what can I tell him to say YES!! We already have


My husband says I can't buy another Guinea pig what can I tell him to say YES!! We already have two I want 1..the grand theater

Tell him you are on a mission to save 1 more Guinea pig from being shoved up some weird persons butt. Why do people put small animals up their butt. That is too weird to think about. Sorry, got carried away.

My husband says I can't buy another Guinea pig what can I tell him to say YES!! We already have two I want 1..soap opera opera theater

Seriously?? This is what you are fretting over? I would just let-it-go. This isn't some life or death thing..its another small pet.
when you married Richard Gere you knew that would be a problem
lol how about hes already compromised by letting you have them? now you compromise as well.
Buy one and bring it home.
If you are clean with your animals and take care of them why does he care. As long as he is not the one having to take care of them you should not have to ask permission. Is he allergic or some thing
If you want ANYTHING, give bj's and you'll always get your way!

OK I have been here for a while but I have yet to really say omg... lol yes, who can change that?

Play me some Paint it Black we can sit at the bar and talk about music, booze and anything else your hear desires!

OK I have been here for a while but I have yet to really say omg... lol yes, who can change that?chinese theater

i can change it - OMG!

OK I have been here for a while but I have yet to really say omg... lol yes, who can change that?opera mini opera theater

are you drunk? we like you, barman, don't go!
I just watched my dog lick his business.......gross!!
You silly boy, only you can change that, only you.
If you say so...

let me think.......

i saw a big mud turtle at work today

and moved him out of the road...thought i was saving his life

on the way home stopped to talk to the mine inspector and he invited me over to dinner...... guess what he was having???
omg wtfingf are you like fing talking about, get a job... or like some food... quit asking for sex..

please excuse me i lost my brain in world war 4
just see the answers i get!!!

so many losers!!!
i spose there's all kinds of things we could say or describe on here, maybe show you a site or two that might tempt you to type omg, but well it's really your omg to feel so i guess you just gotta hang in there and wait, your omg will come one day and you'll no longer be an omg virgin.

I am having a debate I say no plants don't have feelings but the other people say yes they do I

I need scientific evidence to support my opinion preferably from botanists or people that have disproved this

I am having a debate I say no plants don't have feelings but the other people say yes they do I need evidencestar theater

Check out the book, "The Secret Life Of Plants" by Peter Tompkins, %26amp; Christopher Bird. It deals with this same phenomenon.

I am having a debate I say no plants don't have feelings but the other people say yes they do I need evidenceextension opera theater

There really is no need for the scientific evidence. Plants represent the love and care that has been put into them by nature or you. If you care for your plant then your reward will be its vigorous growth and fruits. That's if they grow any. However if you don't care for your plant then it will just die. Look at it this way, the bonsai tree represents its owner in many ways. It's vigor, appearance, and luster! Plants that are taken care of by you can represent you!!! Why don't you tell them that?
You have to have a nervous system and a brain to feel pain. Plants do not have either.
Actually, people have disproved that plants don't have feelings. There are several studies that show plants communicate with others, "scream" when in pain, release plant cortisols, etc.

And as somebody seeking scientific support, maybe you need to actually define what you mean by feelings. As far as I know, there is so such definition for fauna, much less for fauna.

And the person who says you need a nervouse system is right, but flora has it's own nervouse system as well.

Can I report somebody for point gaming if they say "thanks for the two points?" or a "

It's ur choice but I've done it. Some questions are just do dumb they deserve it!

Like the guy who said women love me, is it because of my charm, my wit or the fact I'm hansome. I said all three.

So report me.

And when a girl says I'm a Catholic and my husband beats me and beats my kids, report someone for saying divorce him!

It's is against Catholic rules to get a divorce for that type of reason, so it's a pandering answer.

Now, someone here caught someone with two accounts double teaming on themselves to get points. That should be reported!

If I have two accounts and I answer my own questions to get points, that's wrong!

Can I report somebody for point gaming if they say "thanks for the two points?" or a "yes or no" response?opera songs

Yes, you click the red flag next to their submission and report them for abuse. Int he drop down menu, choose Point-Gaming and add your own complaint. They get 10 points, I think, deducted.

Can I report somebody for point gaming if they say "thanks for the two points?" or a "yes or no" response?secure browser opera theater

yes, simply click "report abuse"
i honestly don't know if you can or not ... look for the link that says help and it has a list of questions pertianing to yahoo ancwers
well yes or no is a answer !!
Yes; you can report anything that's not a real question or not a valid answer to your question. The website is for people finding answers to their questions or helping others with theirs, not gaining as many points as possible. If someone answer something on the lines of "2 points", you can report them, since it's not a real answer
Boy you sound like your name!

But for your question you got the check the guidelines to see if they are really reportable
y that means they have no life
u sure can some cock sucker did it to me the other day
I would say the thanks for the two points yes, the yes or no answer no.
is that how you do it.... man.... and I have be typing diatribes for weeks now..... thanks.... I didn't know this was a contest.....
yes you most definitely can...............
Probably not for the "yes or no" response but definitely for the "thanks for the two points" response. That will show the Yahoo! Answers Team the user only answered the question for the points.

Other good examples are:

"Pick me as the best answer."

"I don't know" or

even saying that they like your picture or something

If they simply didn't answer the question, you could get it removed.
Yes... but is it really that important???

By the way, thanks for the 2 points.
On occasion, I have said "thanks for the two points" Sometimes, when I take the trouble to read the question and whatever additional details may be provided, it was a waste of my time. The question may have been silly, stupid, obvious or any combination of those. So once in a while, my patience runs thin and I collect two points just for the time I spent reading the question. So, go ahead, report me, you mean-spirited nit-picker!
I don't think you can.
Why would you want to I mean so what its not like we are getting money from our points, Are you just a naturally born tattle tell?

thanks for the two points

Get a life you little whiny baby.
I wouldn't
You might be able to for the "thanks for the two points", but if the question is something to the affect of "Have you seen Star Wars?", then "yes" or "no" is actually an appropriate answer to the question asked.
well it all depends on what the question you asked if it was a yes or a no kind.

but the "thanks for the 2 points" i think you can. because they are telling you basically they are gaming for them
You might be able to report the "thanks for the two points" questions but "yes" and "no" are considered answers as far as I know.
Yeah if your a F a g g o t
no....if u ask a yes or no question....expect a yes or no answer.
aww come on thats no fun =(
You can always report someone, but they don't listen.
you can, its kind of anal though.
You need to take a chill pill man.

Is there a website that I can access Yahoo messenger, or MyspaceIM with out downloading it? Please s or they will work a treat i use them myself

Is there a website that I can access Yahoo messenger, or MyspaceIM with out downloading it? Please say yes!/?opera cd

The only way you can access these messengers is if the public computer you are using already has them downloaded and allows you to use them

Is there a website that I can access Yahoo messenger, or MyspaceIM with out downloading it? Please say yes!/?opera singer opera theater


My friend gave reuben allen my phone # and he called me and asked me out should i say yes are no he

I thought you liked this guy,say yes

My friend gave reuben allen my phone # and he called me and asked me out should i say yes are no he is fine.?chicago theater

if you know him and you think he is a good person and someone you would like to date then go out with him.

If you don't know him and have never had a good conversation with him then don't.

Looking fine is not enough reason to date a guy.....

My friend gave reuben allen my phone # and he called me and asked me out should i say yes are no he is fine.?met opera opera theater

no I like alot he his fine girl. he my okay.hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya, why not, as you said he is fine. Right.
if u like him then i guess u should say yes.
Why don't you try anyway you said he's fine and aside from that there's no harm in trying to know him better by going out with him
yeah go for it. if you like him and he likes you. why not. take opportunities and chances.
whatever man that **** is so CHEESY.

Well people are jealous of me and they say i smell like crawfish could they be lying yes are no?

I have good grades and im cute.

Well people are jealous of me and they say i smell like crawfish could they be lying yes are no?theater seating

If you think there is a possibility of you having an odor, which some people do no matter how clean they are........then you should talk to your parents about it and see if there is anything they can do to help you. They are the ones that buy the soaps and deodorants for you , so talk to them.

Well people are jealous of me and they say i smell like crawfish could they be lying yes are no?lyric opera opera theater

People can be cruel...I doubt you smell like a craw fish. Bath daily, use proper hygiene and ignore someone who treats you in such a cruel manner. Drop them as friends, make new ones, continue to maintain your grade point average and as you have stated you are cute and I am sure adorable.
but you do smell like crawfish
You are self-centered. Sure, everyone is pretty and cute and handsome and WHATEVER, but you don't go around flaunting it. People ARE NOT jealous of you.
Depends on who's telling you this... either way if I where you I would ask someone around your town who would be willing to tell you the truth... and if you take a shower at least once a day then I would say that there is a good chance that maybe the could be lying or maybe it's your deodorant or perfume or something else you could be using so try changing things around for a bit and see if that helps.

If a boy asks you out that lives miles away, and you like him, should you say yes?

I like this boy named Curtis and he asked me out but he lives in Fairfield and I live in Oakland.

If a boy asks you out that lives miles away, and you like him, should you say yes?theatre tickets

long distance relationships.....will kill you, long distance relationships will kil you! (Long distance, long distance...)

Its a song, but really its true

If a boy asks you out that lives miles away, and you like him, should you say yes?opera house opera theater

unless u guys can see each other on a daily bases then no b/c long distance relationships don't work out that well even if u communicate over the phone, but you never know.
its not that far..just make sure he has a reliable when u have to go visit him, makem give u gas money..see problem solved..
yeah why not? unless you think it wont work out, it never hurts to try!=)
long distance relationships can be hard but if you both want it to work out and both put work into then there is no reason why you shouldn't go with your heart
If you really like him, and are willing to scarifice your time to go see him, yes.

If not, no.

but thats because Ive been there and done that.

I would NEVER do it again
Say yes.

Love knows no boundaries.
I might say yes if I love him really much
Well, how far is that?

Id say sure. As long as you guys can realistically see each other. Why not? You dont have to be neighbors to go out with each other.
If hes coming to pick you up then why not. I live in Texas and dont have a problem driving to meet up with a girl i like. So yeah give him a shot.
you should say yes what school
yeah go for it. it will work out.
well have you ever met him?

do you talk to him on the phone?

if so then yea i guess :]]
how far is it? i have drove 100 miles one way to see my bff
If you are close of to drive it shouldn't be too bad. I was in a relationship for a couple of years with a girls who lived in the US while I lived in Europe (military) It can sometimes be difficult but daily phone calls help alot.
could always try it see if it works doesn't hurt
That's up to you. If you two can deal with the distance, then go for it!
My bf lives 30 miles away from me and we manage to see each other at least twice a week...

However being able to drive helps...otherwise it may not have worked...
okay? and im supposed to know how far away fairfield is from oakland??
thats kind of how me and my girlfriends relation ship is, you do however have to take in consederation how your going to spend time with him or when you get to see, rather it bieng a phone relationship, so yeah i would defantly say yes if I were you .
Yes. Don't let distance get between you. Besides, how old are you? If you have a car, then distance is irrelevant.
well,It is up to you but i personally would get someone that lives close to me it is easier.
i think you should say no because it dont seem right to me
yes.. but jus keep in mind that long distance relationships are difficult sometimes...

What's the best way to ask a girl to marry me, and get her to NOT say yes?

It's a long story, but there is a will involved and a couple of things I need to do before I get Grandpa's money.


What's the best way to ask a girl to marry me, and get her to NOT say yes?hollywood theater

You mean man! you dont deserve a women! she probally loves you so much! how about argue with her, tell her the truth, then ask her?! Why would any guy do that, you are sick!!!

What's the best way to ask a girl to marry me, and get her to NOT say yes? opera theater

Dont ask her
Don't do it in public, or where anyone one else is around. When its public she would probably be ,more pressured into saying yes. The rest is up to you though...
Don't ask! She probably loves you and you are just being a *****. I am sorry but it is true.
Be mean, then say in a rude tone, "Will you marry me?"

And she'll say, "Heck no!!"
Say, "Look I gotta get married soon, so it might as well be you".
well that one is easy.... i broke up with my ex this way...... but the best way is proby.... bring your secondary GF with your primary GF both to a fancy dinner.... and just ask both them to marry you.... hopefully they will be piss off that you have been "cheating" on them.... if they are not pissed though your in trouble cause you just ask TWO females to marry you... i mean the part with them washing the dishes and making you food shouldn't be bad... there will be no excuse for them not to meet with your standers ... but most likey they will be really be pissed... so when they say no just take off and make them pay for the dinner
drop on one knee and present her with an onion ring!! that should do it
Well lets see, my husband was told no the first time he asked me to marry him, we were in a VERY public place and he dropped to one knee, and preceded to say, "Kuhlena (that's me duh!) will you fight with me in public, never let me see you naked again, and Never have sex with me again?" That was his first marriage proposal.
pay a girl to say no? and then tell them that she was ur gf and she really did say no....


dont ask, and lie to them and tell them that u did and she said no

Does anyone listen to the brooklyn tabernacle choir..and have you heard their latest cd I'll Sa

No and no.

Does anyone listen to the brooklyn tabernacle choir..and have you heard their latest cd I'll Say Yes?

I haven't purchased one of their CDs in a long time, but I love their music. We used to sing their songs in choir.

Does anyone listen to the brooklyn tabernacle choir..and have you heard their latest cd I'll Say Yes?opera mobile opera theater

Yes, but I have not heard their new CD, I'll have to get that one. I absolutely loved the song Jason Crabb of the Crabb Family did with them! God bless you!!!
I do listen to them occasionally...but I haven't heard the latest CD. I listen to Jason Crabb, who I think sings in the choir...

No there is NO ONE who has heard their latest cd,this statements means that you are not ONE

Do most ignored teens do things to gain attention? (i need at least 20 people to say yes or no on th

please help i need some statistics on this essay for a good grade.

Do most ignored teens do things to gain attention? (i need at least 20 people to say yes or no on this) thanksopera music

yes they do

Do most ignored teens do things to gain attention? (i need at least 20 people to say yes or no on this) thanksopera sheet music opera theater

Hahaha! Oh, the irony...

I was shy and "outcast" grades 8-10, and stayed away from people except I made friends with my teachers. I loved the attention they would give me for getting good grades and seeing them as people, not just as teachers.

Then my junior year I realized I should enjoy high school, kids in my class were actually really nice, and I just needed confidence. I started talking to people and looking outside of myself and got as much attention as I wanted.

Hope this helps (my answer to your question would be yes)...

OK, thanks for all of your responses, but I'm still a little confused, some of you say yes, oth

I'm from Texas originally, and moved to Michigan 10 yrs ago. My Texas license expired, and I called DPS before coming back to Texas. They said I'd have to re apply as a new licensee, with photo ID (passport, ect) social security card, and birth certificate. I've also been told by some locals here in Dallas, that I could get a license in Texas, but would have to take some driver training course first. I was suspended over a DUI charge, which turned out to minor, because I wasn't far over the legal limit, and only got off with a fine. However the fine is an unwarranted $2000, that's 1000 dollars per year for two consecutive years I have to pay. For the person who mentioned contacting the Michigan DMV, they don't have one there, it's the Secretary of State who controls licenses. I could handle not being able to return to Michigan for 3yrs, I have no intentin of returning there ever again. I just need to know for sure what I can and cannot do here back home in Texas.

OK, thanks for all of your responses, but I'm still a little confused, some of you say yes, others no?phantom of the opera

Secy of State in MI and DMV are the same thing. Call them and ask how you can take care of the warrant. The MI Secy of State caused the warrant to be issued, so they can advise you. You may have to spend some time on the phone to get the info, and you may need to go back to MI, but do you want to drive in TX or not? Also, you could be arrested on the MI warrant, so why take the chance?

OK, thanks for all of your responses, but I'm still a little confused, some of you say yes, others no?listen to opera opera theater

In all this question the REAL POINT you want to make is this:

I got tagged for DUI (Driving under the influence) and the fine is $2000 (appropriate). It seems to be that since you DID Drink and Drive, and the fine is assessed (and you need to pay the fine for this -- it IS your fault that you DRINK and DRIVE -- you CHOSE this action!).

After that -- nothing much matters anymore. YOU need to solve the fine and the problems with the DUI First -- then worry about what you need to do to get a NEW driver's License -- and I will BET that you WILL have to do quite a few things that others will NOT have to do -- including the possibility of taking a special course for those who HAVE convictions for DUIs.

Go back to Michigan -- their DMV is in their Secretary of State Office. Get that problem SOLVED -- even if it means going on a payment plan. SOLVE that problem --

THEN, and ONLY Then, will you be able to get a License (maybe) back in Texas. I can assure you that Texas Driver's License Bureau WILL check the previous state to see about Your DRIVING record there -- and what will pop up -- the DUI of course -- so they WILL be reluctant to just issue a License for you.
Did you get the DUI in texas or Michigan? Why don't you call the office and talk to them. You can set up a payment plan with them. As long as you pay your fines you will be fine.
ok - go ask the dmv not us we are not the dmv
You would of course have to live and move back to Texas, since you can not be a resident of another state and have the licence of another state.

But if your licence in one state is suspended it is illegal to get another one, since your licence is suspended. You have to clear the reason it is suspended to get another one legally anyway.
Thank god Michigan cracks down on drunks drivers! It's odd to see you have sorry grapes because Michigan caught you drinking and driving. Thankfully for you (and potential victims), they caught you before you killed someone.
The fine is NOT unwarranted!! If you were a drunk in MI, chances are you'll be a drunk in Texas. Pay your dues and stop whining! You don't deserve to drive.
Pay the fine, keep the receipts. The Dept of Motor Vehicles IS the secretary of state in Michingan. BE SURE TO KEEP THE RECEIPTS, otherwise your past may come back to haunt you. Contact a probation officer if you have one.
glad you left Michigan .. we have enough problems without another drunk here driving around without a license
You can't drive without a license, I know that much. Better just go down and talk to the people at the Texas DMV.
You just need a photo ID. The driving test is only for people who have never had a drivers license in their life, and for those under 18. I would however recommend a defensive driving course that will cost you about 30.00 but saves you 5% on your car insurance.
When I returned to Texas, I had to get a new license, but I don't remember exactly what all I had to do. I know I didn't have to show my birth certificate.... I think I only showed my out of state license, social security card, but not a passport. Best advice I can think of is to call or email the DMV in Texas and ask them.
I am not clear on the exact situation you are in. Is your MI license suspended or do you just have to pay the fine?

Texas will recognize an out of state suspension and refuse to issue you a new license until the suspension is removed. This is shown in the Transportation Code Section 521.201 (5) (as cited below). If your license is not suspended yet so that you could legally drive in MI, you can get a Texas license while you are paying the fines. Texas does recognize non payment of other state fines as grounds for a suspension though.

So, the best thing is to pay the fines you owe and then get a clear driver's license in Texas (or MI), and not to drive until you do this. Driving while your license is suspended is a class B misdemeanor, meaning you get arrested and can spend up to six months in jail. The second link below will show you this law.

Has Brett Favre (as a Packer) ever beat the Cowboys in Dallas? I say no, co workers say yes. Who is

Brett Favre has never won in Dallas, has beaten Dallas at home.

Has Brett Favre (as a Packer) ever beat the Cowboys in Dallas? I say no, co workers say yes. Who is right??soap opera

No he hasn't beaten them in Dallas but he has beaten Dallas in his tenure with the Packers.

This is the best team that the Packers have had since Favre came in 1992, and the Packers should walk away with a win against the cowboys in Dallas.

Has Brett Favre (as a Packer) ever beat the Cowboys in Dallas? I say no, co workers say yes. Who is right??city opera opera theater

Brett Favre has never won in Dallas
From what I recall..he's beaten Dallas...but not in Dallas...I could be wrong, but I think I heard that.
packers havea good pass game so i think they coudl bbeat that secondary
Are you guys serious there is a reason that almost all power rankings have the Cowboys ahead of Green bay.. The Cowboys are the best team in the NFC. Also Brett Favre will never win in Dallas...
edit:: You are right he nver did in dallas ::

Brett has beaten every team in the NFL. This is what they said after the Packers vs the chiefs game.

the last time dallas lost to GB was in 06 season

20-41 @ Green Bay
you are right, sadly! but there's a first time for everything and i think its comin in about 3 weeks...:D if not, the pack will beat dallas to get to the bowl, no big deal!
No, but we are about to on Nov 29th!
No he has not unfortunately, however. He has beaten Dallas pretty badly in Green Bay in 1997-98 season. That was the last game they played against Dallas till now. Favre recently beat Kansas City for the first time, in KC no less. He also won in Mile High Stadium for the first time. He has one last place to win; Dallas.
actually no...

if you go to and go to schedule and check through the season previous, GB has always lost * with Favre* in dallas.
Well, he is doing all sorts of things that haven't been done before...

Why not add one more.......

We say to ourself we are independent, is it true ? are we ? we become selfish - is it yes or no?


We say to ourself we are independent, is it true ? are we ? we become selfish - is it yes or no?opera mini

NO! let me say this we all are depentdent on God, other than that, no we are not dependent on people they will let you down lots!

We say to ourself we are independent, is it true ? are we ? we become selfish - is it yes or no?passions soap opera opera theater

being independent is a relative term

no one can be completely independent in today's society
Being independent does not mean being selfish. Being independent in fact can help you to be generous. Because you have the option to do so, you can decide for yourself.
Nobody is truly independent. Where ever one is in their lives today, someone had to help to get them there. Whether it be a person who was constantly there or the person who was there to help for only a moment in this long life. Many would like to think they are independent but when you look at the bigger picture, it's impossible for that to be true. Human nature and society allow many to think that they are the only instrument in the orchestra of life.
It is difficult to answer your question, more information is needed.
Independent? no....that is only an elusive dream. We all need each other at some point....interdependence is a must.

Also, we all depend on our Creator to keep us going (we're never going to be able to do that ourselves).
Yes, if we are living right, we are independent - and ought to be [rationally] selfish.
Independence is an illusion. Interdependence is the practical possibility that can ensure the freedom , democracy, fair play that we seek. Any dilution is the selfishness, in its narrowest sense of the word.
We are not totally independent though may be totally dependent.We cannot always be independent.

As far as other question we donot become selfish we have to be selfish in somethings to move up in life.
We can be independent, but never totally.

To those used to interdependency, an independence is a taboo. Independent individuals are considered selfish people in most social context.
hi, nagendar!

independence means different things to different people... it could be a career, or financial independence, or even lifestyle independence...

being independent is good in one way, but it requires a good balance... too much of anything can be unhealthy... similarly, if you sacrifice your personal and social values in pursuit of your independence then what's the point in living?

being independent ensures that you can live life the exact way that you want. this is important, because you only have one life. you won't get a second chance.

it's also good, because in India, most children suck their parents' money until they die... they depend on parents' money, property, house etc., and instead of having a relaxed retirement and spending their hard-earned money on themselves, parents in India have to sacrifice everything to support their children who don't have the sense or the ability to be independent...

financial independence is the true mark of an adult. if you can't be financially independent, then what is the purpose of living and going to work?!

once you're financially independent, life will fall in place automatically...

so live your life well... but be moral. take care of your parents, give to the poor, love your country, be good to your friends, and don't harm anyone else... if you can do this, then you've achieved everything!

We're all asked by endless charities to donate money, time, or often do you say yes

I just emptied my cupboards for a local food drive, and I donate every month to St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

We're all asked by endless charities to donate money, time, or often do you say yes?extension

Thank you, it feels good to give.....and look karma, I got 10 points!! ;-)

Thank you for the vote! Report It

We're all asked by endless charities to donate money, time, or often do you say yes?movie theater opera theater

When I'm sure that most of it gets to the source and not eaten up in 'administration' costs.
Sometimes only.
Funny how that works, ain't it? They ask you to give and give, but they never ask you if you need anything.

Who thinks 50cent should be shot dead this time give your full comment i for one say yes hes gay and

I HATE 50cents dumb ugly fracking **** i wish her were dead even my dog looks better and raps better than him and its a pug

Who thinks 50cent should be shot dead this time give your full comment i for one say yes hes gay and cant rap?secure browser

That is so messed up man like who u workin 4 y u sayin stuff like that thats plain messed up? like wAT the hel did you ever do 2 you huhh and i want an answer back cuz he is a good rapper but not the greatist and omg THATS MESSED UP MAN...why did u say that? and wat the hell you @sz i don't ever c you rap s0 wat the *** r u talking about? did he trii 2 shot youz or sumdin cuz that shyt you rote waz f''ed up and then also so y the hell r u listening to him? if u don't like him you ja

Who thinks 50cent should be shot dead this time give your full comment i for one say yes hes gay and cant rap?home theater opera theater

No, he can't rap, I wouldn't wish death on him though.
yes. 50 cent should die, my name is bam margera. my brother is in the band CKY. 50 cent will be killed by 2 pack when he comes back from the dead, which will hopefully be tomorrow. wait, then 2 pack will kill us all! crazy motha.........
i totally agree. he was good at first, then just sucked so much.
I think that if you don't like him then don't listen to him. If you waste your time saying he is gay then you are just being jealous of his success.
GO FUKKKK UR SELF, HES A GOOD RAPPER, I DONT SEE YOU RAPPING,AND ON TV,DO YA? never wish death on anyone thats fukkked up
Wow...I don't wish death on anyone...but I agree he is a terrible rapper. If Dre's beats weren't so damn ill then he'd be nothing
I don't think he should be shot dead. I like him. I think he's sexy and I love his teeth! And, I'm a white soccer mom!!
no comment 4 me...wut if he has one of his security guards on here or sumthin

lol jk...but i dont really lik him as a rapper either

My boyfriend might ask him to marry him at 15 and he's 14 sould i say yes to marry him or no to

Your too young and people change so much as time goes by... Unless he is incredibly religious ( in which case his personality will be fairly stable) but at this age I think your too young.

My boyfriend might ask him to marry him at 15 and he's 14 sould i say yes to marry him or no to.?opera singer

I think you should not worry about marriage right now. That is a big step in life and alot to come with it. You should concentrate on school right now and enjoy your time being a young. If you think you are in love just accept a promise ring from him. And see how everything goes after you graduate from college. Then think about taking that next step.

My boyfriend might ask him to marry him at 15 and he's 14 sould i say yes to marry him or no to.?amc theater opera theater

are you crazy ?
Both you guys are way too you to commit to something as serious as marriage. As you get older, your perceptions change. Just give yourselves some time and it in a few years, once you're done with your schooling etc., and you're still together, then think about it.
How about a "provisional yes"... that you will marry him provided he can graduate school, get some college and be able to provide for a family.

As sweet as it sounds... being married and being able to spend all your time with him, is probably what your heart and hormones want to hear. Sex is a huge responsibility.

The truth of the matter is that babies will be arriving and you both will have to support them. Getting married and starting those responsibilities too early, before you can support yourselves, is asking for pure misery. You don't want to be saddled with trying to rear your babies all by yourself because this boy got in too deep and too early and then decided that it was too much of a burden.

All boys talk a good line, but they really need to get out into the work world and prove themselves as men. Why would you want to surrender your autonomy to an unproven kid? At your current age, you will probably outgrow him remarkably fast.

At age 15 you are a lot more mature than he is. What does this kid really know about marriage and relationships and survival in the adult world? Not much, I'll wager. At age 14 he is still pretty much a toddler, and will probably be until his mid-20s.

Actually, you need to focus on getting your own education, graduating, going to college or some technical school, and being able to support yourself. If you can go into the world from a position of strength, you will be a lot better off.

Get out and experience the world and yourself before settling down. Get to know who YOU are before making these life decisions. Take your time to plan and do things right.
How can we answer this question for you? That right there tells me no. You expect strangers to answer such a personal question that will change your life regardless of the answer. Talk to you parents. Talk to his parents. See what is said. I think that most 15 year olds are too young for such a commitment. Somebody answered that he was probably saying that just to get into your pants. That is a possibility, but he may feel "love", but love at this age can turn to an obsession. Think long and hard about it. I wish you luck.
Are you serious? He's 15, you're 14, Do your parents know about this?????
If you live in the US, at 15, even if he has parental consent to marry, most states (with the exception of a very, very few) won't allow it without court approval (some states won't allow it at all). Good luck getting that. Judges realize that 15-year-old *children* lack the maturity for marriage, AND they lack the financial ability. Since child labor laws greatly restrict the number of hours a 15-year-old can work, there is no way he'll be able to support a family (paying for rent, utilities, food, etc).

Tell him you'll marry him when you both turn 18.
i think your'e too young to be thinking about marriage right now. You never know what might happen in the future with your relationship. The best thing would be to just enjoy life, and the freedom you have right now, freedom which you won't have when you are married.YOu should just say to him to wait till you are a little older to ask that question.
get out of here you r crazy. When will you finish school if you marry at 14. Stop that now!!!!!!!!
no, 1st your too young for that...marriage is for a couple that knows what they where doing. 2nd i think your parent wont allow you... 3rd try to think of it, being stuck with a 14 yr old guy???? you have no future ,what the helll

yeah, do it

go on, say yes

then have kids

you'll love your life

ahahhahahahahahahhaha 14
I wouldn't be surprised if he's just doing that to get into your pants.
You're too young to make this commitment. By the time you're 24 or something, it'll be almost a decade later and you'll change a lot. You might not even like him anymore. For now, I think it's best to just stay bf/gf. If it lasts til when you're both old enough, good for you!

Good luck.

Is it okay to drink sports drinks if you are dehydrated or you have lbm?some say yes others say no.?

Water is preferred for dehydration, but a sports drink would be absolutely fine.

My girl friend wants to be friends wit her ex but asked me first. what should i say yes or no?

Say yeah, if she cares enough to ask u then ther's most likely nothing to worry about.

My girl friend wants to be friends wit her ex but asked me first. what should i say yes or no?lyric opera

Only if he can be the both of your friend.

My girl friend wants to be friends wit her ex but asked me first. what should i say yes or no?imax theater opera theater

say yes, because if you dont allow her to be friends with him then she'll probably accuse you of trying to control who she's friends with. but if there's any bit of insecurity in you, then tell her that you wouldn't feel comfortable with it.
why be with someone that doesn't want to be with you? her loss, let her go!
Why not. He's an ex. My husband %26amp; his ex-wife are great friends. We're always doing things as blended families. It's great that my step-daughter has both of her parents who are truly friends %26amp; both take care of her. Good luck.
depends on their history.. im friends with most of my ex's, but my most recent ex and i have so much history with each other that it could get complicated if we tried to be friends..
look it happen to back then

look tell her its better to close

that old book and you and her a new book

no man hell no

her ex still want her man

she playing with fire

and by that mean he need to move on
It depends, do you even like her EX. You probably shouldn't be friends with him if it bothers her. Is he your type. Does she just want you to be friends with him or does she expect this to lead somewhere.

Sounds a little kinky to me.
i would say yea
Say yes.
Yes. You're not her father, so you can't control who she is friends with or not. Trust is key in relationships, without trust they fail. She was kind enough to ask you first.
I would say sure. If you trust her it shouldnt be a problem if she goes back to him it wasnt ment to be anyway
this is a tough one, it really depends on what kind of relatiobship these two you trust your gf?i think it wouldn't do any harm, but keep an eye on them. ;)
let her say yes she will come to her brain

My question is... my bf ask my parrents if he could make love to me they say yes there all for it. w

me and my bf get along ok. But know he asks my parrents if he could make love to me and my parrents r all for it but i am not because he has a 16 inch of dick wants to shove up me an it is to big and no this is no lie i messured it 48 times in a row. ok. And no he does not want 2 be in gennease of world records because he wants to share it with me. Plus big inches of steal runs in his family so yea. And he loves me alot so wat do i do, how do i do it and how do i take it?

please give me an awnser me as soon as possible.

My question is... my bf ask my parrents if he could make love to me they say yes there all for it. wat do-i doopera house

IF he loved you, he wouldnt pressure u to do anything that u dont want to do. I think u shouldnt do anything with him it shows respect for your body and see if he stays with you keep saying no and lets see what he says or does. If he stays with you then maybe he loves you maybe he doesnt who knows.

My question is... my bf ask my parrents if he could make love to me they say yes there all for it. wat do-i dodream theater opera theater

a.. he need to wait until your ready

b.. he don't need to ram the whole thing up you..

c.. if indeed he is that big.. he should count on given you half the loving.
Just so you know, you will never be able to take it all. That's a fact so I would not worry. Just take what you can. Hope you have fun. I am a guy and that's just stupid that you would be asking that question when you know the anwser.
if this guy really loves you, he would wait till YOU're ready. not just because he wants it then and there. and your parents should at least sit down and talk to you about this making love thing. and if you decide to do it anyways, please make sure you get him tested. just to be on the safe side. good luck!!! =]how old are you?

Theres this guy named cody he likes me but i think i like him should i say yes but i am 10?

You are 10! NO you should be a LITTLE GIRL!

Theres this guy named cody he likes me but i think i like him should i say yes but i am 10?

Yes to what??

Theres this guy named cody he likes me but i think i like him should i say yes but i am 10?amc theatre opera theater

Do what your heart says, some adults *cough*RECENT POSTERS*cough* don't remember that we can love at an early age.
I think the responses you are getting is more then enough proof that you are too young to be thinking about these things! I agree with the rest and say NO!
Dating at ten is just silly! It's not going to go anywhere and you aren't ready for it yet. Just be friends for now and wait until you're older before you try dating or anything like that.
Say NO! Enjoy learning. Learn about everything you can. Its too easy to make decisions that have horrible consequences when your young! You don't need a boyfriend. Boyfriends are really easy to get so there its always best to wait! Besides boys usually have only 1 thing in mind. Trust the people who have lived through it.
Does your mother know about this, little girl?
Where are your parents at while you are online? I take it they let you sit at the computer and use it as a baby sitter. UGH!! I hate parents who do that. It's dangerous for you to even be in here posting or answering. Your 10. Go play with your friends and rollerskate or something your age.
You are 10?!?! No way! You have no business dating or thinking of dating anyone at this age!!
say Yes to what?

A girl should Always say No until you're old enough to support yourself..

You can walk down to diary queen and have an ice cream if your mom or dad comes along too. That's okay to do.
Why do you constantly put ur age in ur questions???
What are you doing? You are ten years old. Be a kid while you can.
to young to be dating. aren't 10 years old still into barbie dolls %26amp; cooties? and going out? where woud you go??
You're a kid, what are you doing? Say no and enjoy life.

Did you change your view upon any religion regarding this media 'i don't think so' ju

To big a question for digital answers.

MY view on anything is constantly changing based on information I get ... my general principles have not changed but I have assimilated different points of view and points of contention.

Peace out

Did you change your view upon any religion regarding this media 'i don't think so' just say yes or noopera mobile

I dont blv this media, it is corupted,

Any way to dye my hair without buying some dye? My mommy says no but I say YES!!?

My mommy won't let me dye my hair blue. She about had a heart attack with the black. So, is there any way to dye my hair behind her back?I just cannot go out and buy dye for age reasons. Why don't they sell dye at gasmart...? I guess human being aren't meant to know the answer to that. Anyway, is there a way?

Any way to dye my hair without buying some dye? My mommy says no but I say YES!!?opera sheet music

if its black you're stuck. If not, you can use blue berry koolaid. it will run slightly but last until you wash your hair, people do it all the time. but i wouldnt recommend it since its summer.

Any way to dye my hair without buying some dye? My mommy says no but I say YES!!?shows opera theater

Well the answer to that question would seem very obvious....

How do you propose to hide this from your mother, if you did manage to dye your hair? Yeah....not smart.

BTW, rebellion doesn't have a thing to do with how good your grades are sweetie. I was a 4.0 student and still rebellious. Rebellion is defying authority, which would be your mom in this case, and you are a teenager, so yeah, that'd make you a rebellious teen.
You do realize that there isn't a set age where your allowed to buy hair dye right? I very highly doubt you'd walk up to your local pharmacy counter and get carded. But anyway, if your looking for short term (just to freak your mom out) try Kool-Aid - Its pretty funny, and will wash out after a couple of washes.
Nothing will work if your hair is still black unless you bleach it, but if it isn't use koolaid or food coloring.
**** ur mom buy some dye k *****.

Girls: If a guy you barely know suddenly asks you out on a date, when would you say yes? no?

i now it's pretty vague...please try and answer as best as possible. Thx greatly appreciated.

Girls: If a guy you barely know suddenly asks you out on a date, when would you say yes? no?listen to opera

id say yes if i thought he was cute and could tell that he had a sense of humor. id give him a chance.

id say no if it didnt seem like we were compatible. too shy (only because im shy), no sense of humor, no physical attraction whatsoever, etc.

Girls: If a guy you barely know suddenly asks you out on a date, when would you say yes? no?concert venue opera theater

Maybe, it depends who.

Like if in the times I've talked to him, I feel like he understands me, that he's funny, nice, etc. then I will...

However, if I've heard some bad stuff about him I prolly at my school the gossip's actually pretty reliable %26gt;%26lt;

Also, it depends if he seems sincere..yupp.

If u gotta be my lover u have to be my friend because love and friendship never end.

so thats my theory and i would tell u when i know u real good.

if this is bout you, i suggest u know her first, dont jump k. gud luck
a yes........... if hes cute or somewhere close to cute i'll think if i wan to go

wat the hell. i'll go out with him atleast once to know the guy...........
Nope. I'm married, and happily so!
It all depends on what my first impression on this guy is good...then ya i would....if it was bad...nope.

Guys only!! if i am hot and i asked you out without even knowing u would u say yes???

be truthful i just want to see wat a guy relly sees in a girl

Guys only!! if i am hot and i asked you out without even knowing u would u say yes???city opera

since i don't know you, i'd say no

just cuz you're hot doesn't mean i want to have you; personality IS key for guys. no matter how much we talk about hot girls, if we don't like how you act, we're only going to refer to you as a ho. however, if you're attractive and you're an awesome person, we'd probably melt if you asked us out

We've been going out for 7 months and hes talking marriage what do i say? and yes we realy do l


We've been going out for 7 months and hes talking marriage what do i say? and yes we realy do love each other.passions soap opera

If youre ready say yes but if not tell him you love him and one day you would love to be his wife just not yet.

We've been going out for 7 months and hes talking marriage what do i say? and yes we realy do love each messed up opera theater

tell him you must wait a little

Can you get additional credit while in a debt consolidation program or not?Half of people say yes ot

Does anyone really know?

Also, it's for an educational loan, not something else.

Can you get additional credit while in a debt consolidation program or not?Half of people say yes other say Nomovie theater

It depends on your credit and the lending company. They would have to approve it.

Is George W. totally clueless -- check out new Spider documentary on HBO and then answer!! I say yes

George W. Bush demonstrates a complete lack of understanding regarding our liberties, freedoms, and traditions in this country.

He appears to be concerned with nothing but his personal popularity and the prosperity of his family and himself.

Is George W. totally clueless -- check out new Spider documentary on HBO and then answer!! I say yes!!!?home theater

well, i would say yes too. i remember watching on kanye west on cnn with larry king live talking about that he doesn't care about blacks. when he said that, they cut him straight off. we are already in enough trouble. there's no telling when the fight would be over. so, i would say yes.

Is George W. totally clueless -- check out new Spider documentary on HBO and then answer!! I say yes!!!?comedy club opera theaterwhat a TERRIBLE question. And who the hell is Spider? Don't be jealous of W because he's president and you're just posting on Yahoo. Report It

yup yup

well hez concerned abt da world being peacefully on one hand, n on the other everyone hates him for butting into someone else's business =)

haha die ****** die
popularity?... what would have happened if he wasn't concerned
You must be a foreigner, since you know nothing about the U.S..

My bf proposed me after 9 min after we started to this normal?should i say yes?

My husband and I met on June 9th and got married August 20th of that year. It was quick but we knew we were ment for each other. We have a wonderful marriage, a beautiful little boy, and another baby on the way. You can imagine growing old with a number of people but try to imagine growing old and not having this man in your life. If you can't do it, say yes right now! Good luck!

My bf proposed me after 9 min after we started to this normal?should i say yes?amc theater

Follow your hearts, girl. I think it's ok, yes. So say yes, if you feel inspired.!

My bf proposed me after 9 min after we started to this normal?should i say yes?concerts opera theater

not normal

say no
no, it's not normal. you shouldn't say yes because you've only been dating for 6 months, wait a couple of years so that both of you get to know each other inside and out.
NO not normal.

But if you are still together after 6 months why change things?

Say ur dating, and a great look-n guy and 2 or 3 beers later.. would you cheat yes,,, or No,,,????

thanks for all the responses,, please be honest,, i mean a great look-n guy 1 in a life time.. would you sneak out with him??

Say ur dating, and a great look-n guy and 2 or 3 beers later.. would you cheat yes,,, or No,,,????movie theatre

No.... why would one do that? It shouldn't be all about looks. Carry yourself the way you would want your great looking guy to carry himself in your absence. If your boyfriend is not doing it for you let him know then once you break up then pursue other love interests.

Don't blame anything on a few drinks. If its in you to be unfaithful then it is what it is..That is what is in your nature. 2 or 3 beers one still knows what he or she is doing.

Say ur dating, and a great look-n guy and 2 or 3 beers later.. would you cheat yes,,, or No,,,????playhouse opera theater

no...i love my boyfriend more than anything..i would never cheat on him
I don't cheat. period. Looks are not that important.
Currently I am married so no matter if it was Brad Pitt I wouldn't cheat. HOWEVER- If I was just dating (not a seriously commited relationship) I would be tempted.
just dating, probably! No one would ever know.
no, not even for the best looking man in the world, would I cheat on the guy that I am with, I would never hurt him like that, it is just wrong ( and I don't drink so that won't help either)
No qualms about hurting or decieving someone else while you're "living once". Pretty selfish. Pretty sad.
hell ya- you only live once
It depends on how much I enjoy the person I'm dating.

If I really like him or if I love him, I won't cheat.

If I can really care less about him and/or feel that I like this new guy much better, I'd cheat.
no i wouldnt cheat on my bf...if i were single i'd go!
Not a chance - zip - zero - not a sausage! Never!
I suppose if looks meant everything...SHALLOW!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe if he was an awesome man, personality, humor, money and I was only dating my guy. But I am married and so glad that I am cause I would be laughing at you for not looking for the single women. Probably laughing at you using pretty boy techniques to pick up ladies too.

No matter how much I am under the influence, nothing will ever posess me to cheat!
No. I've never cheated in my life and I'm not about to begin. Besides looks is superficial, maybe he's an idiot. *shrugs*
no i wouldnt
I know this sounds really corny but when you love someone none of that matters. When you are in love and I mean not in love with the idea but in love with the person who you lay next to at night. The guy who drools and snores in his sleep and occasionally can offend you with his hardcore honesty that makes your realationship worthwhile, then everything else dosent matter. When you find that acceptance with someone else and the ability of allowing yourself to accept who that someone else is good or bad, you know nothing else can compare. Yes looks can be the glamour that rears you in. but when the makeup comes off, the face of his sweet talk. You may find him to be the most ugliest man you have ever known
NO! 2 or 3 beers are not enough to forget someone I like and love just for some pretty face that is in the same room with me.. It is so difficult to find someone special in your life that you love and who gives you love back that I'm sure I would know how to appreciate what I have.. Unfortunately never had it and probably never will.. Now I'm trying to forget and overcome my broken relationship, he cheated on me and I know I would never do that to someone else.. It hurts like hell and no one deserves it for no reason in this world, and definitely not because of bottle of alcohol..
No, I have respect for myself.
All these women are lying, or your question has somehow attracted a VERY small slice of the population of non-cheating women.
i will never ever cheat. its a selfish, disrespectful act and that so F*ed up. If you want to be with someone else then you shouldnt be in a relationship, its that easy. don't break someone heart or decieve someone because you are stupid and immature
No... Why? If your with your bf and you love him there is no reason to... Maybe he is not the one for you if your thinking about it.

My parents wont let me get a hamster and I've tried EVERYTHING to persuade them to say yes... W

Have you asked them the reason why? If its allergies, there is a type of hairless guinea pig that is great. If its money, do the research and prove just how much it will cost per month...put your report in writing, and have the places you got the info. If its the fact that they don't think you are responsible enough yet, prove that you are ready by doing not only your chores every day but taking on extra work.

My parents wont let me get a hamster and I've tried EVERYTHING to persuade them to say yes... What can i do?imax theater

Tell them that you want to take on more responsibility. Tell them that you want to show them how responsible you are by taking care of an pet.

My parents wont let me get a hamster and I've tried EVERYTHING to persuade them to say yes... What can i do?classical music opera theater

remind them of their childhood pet.
Well, if you don't have any pets, tell them you want a dog. They'll then be glad to let you have the hampster.
Sneak one in the house. Buy it a cage and food and everything and by the time your parents find out, you can't return it. Hide it under your bed or in your closet. That's what I did.
Do a lot of research to show you know what's going on. Prove you are responsible enough. Tell them you'll do EVERYTHING! and that they are adorable. If that doesn't work, guilt 'em!
hmmm i dunno keep trying
ill help u try to show rosponsability like raking lawn mowing lawn dishes garbage and breakfast stuff like that and try to stop nagging hope i helped and please choose me for best answer!!!!!!
Explain why it is so important to you to have a hamster and promise that you will take full responsibility for feeding it and cleaning its cage, etc. Ask them if there is anything you could do that would make them say yes. Maybe do extra chores? Somehow prove that you are responsible enough to have your own pet?
Have you told them that you would like to show them that you are responsable. And that this is a way for you to prove that?

How do you get a guy to like you again when you were to scared to say yes when he asked you out?

You ask him out this time and explain to him what you were feeling last time around.

How do you get a guy to like you again when you were to scared to say yes when he asked you out?dream theater

Be honest. He will probably be flattered.

How do you get a guy to like you again when you were to scared to say yes when he asked you out?performing arts opera theater

Why were you scared? I would feel worse about saying no. Just tell him the truth.

I have a lot of guy friends and one of them asked me out,should I say yes?

I dont think you should because im guessing he's good friends with all of your other guy friends and so if you guys break up then it will be really bad. You and ur friend will never be the same friends anymore but the guys will probably go on his side if you break up. So i dont think you wanna loose them too. Just tell him you want to keep things the way they are. Good luck!

I have a lot of guy friends and one of them asked me out,should I say yes?amc theatre

well first you need to see is he your type u don't date people just because they ask u if u u like him yes if u don't no

I have a lot of guy friends and one of them asked me out,should I say yes?symphony opera theater

sure do! :} he just asked u out, he doesnt mean like he want u to be his gurl, right? so just enjoy... it doesnt really mean that if ur asked by a guy for a date, it mean something. sometime the're just trying to be gentlemen for their girl friends!
u really shouldn't trust guys. Are u too young? NO. If ur a junior in high skool, u can but watch out.
well if you really like him and think he's nice to you, although it might be a little weird if you've been friends with him for awhile, I say why not?
well if you like him then yes, but if you dont and u see it going no where then dont. or else you may loose him as a friends and his friends may start not liking you much either.
If you really like him YES.

If you say ''no'' and you know that you really like him you'll probably regret it someday (believe me)

Do you think that the next time Ziggi from Big Brother asks to leave Big Brother should say YES!!!?

I would just love to see the expression on his smug face.

Do you think that the next time Ziggi from Big Brother asks to leave Big Brother should say YES!!!?imax theatre

lol that would be funny. BB could say " yes thats fine ziggy the door to your left is now open housemates will pack your bags and they will be forwarded to you later" lol now that would be worth watching! ratings would go up for sure!

Do you think that the next time Ziggi from Big Brother asks to leave Big Brother should say YES!!!?performing show opera theater

if only ...that would be excellent


dR bad
yeah big brother should call him into the diary room and say " we notice that you have often expressed your wish to leave the big brother house in the past. therefore we are allowing you to leave right now by the side door without any fuss" would be worth it just to see his jaw hit the floor and a bonus to get rid of the self centred sod
So would I :)
He his a fake, get rid of him.
big brother blah blah blah
Aww I don't mind him. I just want Nicky to go so badly. She is very very very scary! Although it would be funny if BB said that to anyone hahahaha.

Also why do people call people in the BB house fake especially when they don't like them? It seems like as soon as some one doesn't like some one they start calling them fake, it makes absolutely no sense. Sorry. And I don't understand how we can tell some one is being fake anyways when we don't know them. It means at some point during our watching we saw them as who they are, but then how do we know if thats who they are or not. Confusing!
Yes I do. I don't think he really wants to go though, he just knows he's not going to win.
How many times as he asked now?

Yeah, they should just get rid of him if he's just doing it for attention.
Has big brother started?

Sorry... i must have been having a life and missed it.
yep!! also seeing the knob chanelle going out behind him on fri!!

i hate her

cant believe laura is up and charley isnt AGAIN!!!!
Lol! Yeah! I reckon he's Cliff Richard's love child.
Yes definitely, he has turned into a right sneak! i thought he was a decent guy at first, but they can't stop their true colours coming out can they!?
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeesssssss!!!!!!... he talks to chanelle like he's her dad rather than her boyf. its actually kinda creepy. if he wants to go so bad - just let him!!!!
No, I like him, I want him to win.

I missed this morning's Big Brother as I had been bullied into going to the hospital.

Mother in law wants to take G-daughter from Calif. to Ky on 2 week trip. Husband says yes I say NO.?

Two weeks is to long for a 4 year old Girl I told my Mother in Law. husband agrees with her. I am about ready to walk out the door. This really has me angry. Oh! My M-In-Law is going to be driving.

Mother in law wants to take G-daughter from Calif. to Ky on 2 week trip. Husband says yes I say NO.?concert venue

I can't believe he is okay with that. I agree with you 100%. I would never go for that either.

A) That's ENTIRELY too long of a road trip for a child that young.

B) That's ENTIRELY too long to be without her parents, even if she's really close to her grandmother. It doesn't matter.

I'd like to think there is some kind of compromise... that one of you could accompany her... but I doubt that's feasible. I hope that your husband will understand your concerns and not insist on putting you through the torment of being without your little angel for 14 days. Good luck, and God Bless!

Mother in law wants to take G-daughter from Calif. to Ky on 2 week trip. Husband says yes I say NO.?events opera theater

give him and her the reasons u think its not a good idea then leave the decision in his hands if she misses and crys that bad I'm sure she will cut her trip short and remember we do have phones and web cams so she will see you and if you love her she already feels that relax enjoy your vacation
Are You being over protective or standing up for Your rights? I personally would tell the Husband to stop being a 'Mummy's Boy' and to do what is best for His family rather than what is good for His relationship with Mom. But then again, I'm a Man, what would I know about telling women to assert Themselves against Mother's who still think Their 'little boy' needs them, or the way some Mothers try to manipulate the relationship between Their Daughter - Law and Their Grand - Children. It's Your family Fight for it!
You never know when tragedy is going to hit you. I have never let my children out of my side. If something bad is going to happen to them, I will be there. I will never forgive myself, if something happens to my children while they are with somebody else. I would always wonder if it would had happened if they were with me instead. Therefore, wherever I go, my children go. If I am not going, they do not go.

What do you tell your child when he/she asks to goto the park?Do you usually say yes or no?How long

stay at the park?

What do you tell your child when he/she asks to goto the park?Do you usually say yes or no?How long do you?performing shows

I always try to say yes, Parents should never turn down having some physical activity with their kids.

WHY am i straight to the point of things, other people seem to talk for hours. I say yes or no. i?

i'm not very social. i just want things done NOW!!! whatever it might be. i need to make something of myself in life, i don't have time for b.s. what should i do?

WHY am i straight to the point of things, other people seem to talk for hours. I say yes or no. i?mr messed up

In a business situation use diplomacy. Some people do beat around the bush, until that bush is dead from the hot air. Let someone know that you just need a direct answer so you can complete your work efficiently and on time.

WHY am i straight to the point of things, other people seem to talk for hours. I say yes or no. i?getting late opera theater

Become a dictator.
for starters how about stop wasting time visiting Y!A??

Dang, nobody wants to listen to an entire monologue, or read a lengthy email when a yes or no will suffice. That is so annoying.

It also doesn't mean that you are not social. Like you said, you don't want the excess.

You aren't the one with the problem, they are.
you have to understand when people give more then just a yes or a no answer its because they wont you to no why they give a yes or know answer, I'm sure some people would like to know why you give the answers you every once in a while.
Change your surroundings and the people that are in your opinion wasting your time.

But don't be mad if they forget about you while you're gone.

I got asked out by a really hot guy but he is kinda a jerk...should I say yes?

If he asked you out in a nice way, I say yes. It could just be the vibe he gives off. If he was a jerk in the way he asked you out...say heck no. Some people are just misunderstood. He might be the best boyfriend ever. Just be sure to have a back up plan and if he starts being a jerk, get out of the situation quick.

I got asked out by a really hot guy but he is kinda a jerk...should I say yes?tickets

Trust your first impressions. If you feel like he's a jerk, don't waste your time. There are plenty of nice guys out there.

I got asked out by a really hot guy but he is kinda a jerk...should I say yes?ballet opera theater

Go out with him-and see if he really is a jerk!
do you know if he's a jerk for sure? or did he just come off that way? If you know he's a jerk, don't waste your time. Although you're friends will applaud you for his looks, looks don't last. Don't waste your time.

Chrsitians accept Jesus on faith, yet when you tell them there's no proof of Jesus, they say ye

So which is it Christians? If there is any shred of evidence that Jesus actually lived, then you aren't taking it on faith.

But that is not something you need to worry about, since not a single historian who lived at the time of Christ mentions him. Even the new testament was written after he supposedly lived.

Chrsitians accept Jesus on faith, yet when you tell them there's no proof of Jesus, they say yes there is?comedy club

I don't believe Jesus ever existed because there is no contemporary evidence of his existence (that is, nothing about him recorded during his alleged life)--the 'soonest' evidence we have is from Saul of Tarsus, who wrote about Jesus at LEAST 40 years after his alleged death.

Not only that, but Saul writes with NO knowledge of most of the alleged events of Jesus's life that are mentioned in the Gospels (which came long after Saul's writings (about 80,000 words), keep in mind). He mentions only the last bits about Jesus--him being crucified and rising up to heaven. However, Saul makes it quite clear that he is not talking about an earthly Jesus, but a mythical one, and places the crucifixion etc. in a mythical realm, not earth. The closest he comes to mentioning a Jesus who 'walked among us' is when he mentions that (paraphrasing, bear with me) 'if Jesus lived on earth, he would not be a priest' or something like that.

Yup--that is how shaky the foundation is. Saul's account is the strongest (because his account comes chronologically closest to Jesus's alleged death) link between Jesus's alleged life and the gospels which go into great detail about it. It's the strongest much in the same way that molten lead is the most refreshing drink to be found on Venus.

So basically, we got Saul's stuff, which strongly clashes with the gospels it preceded, and then we've got nothing for several years after that (next account is the Gospel of Mark (which is attributed to Mark but is actually an anonymous work; further supporting this is the fact that there is a consensus that this gospel was written in the 60s or 70s CE--there's no way someone alive during Jesus's alleged life would still be alive in those times). Then suddenly we have all kinds of details about Jesus's life that just seem to pop up out of nowhere. Anyone looking at this objectively would quickly come to the very fair conclusion that the writers of the gospels were 'storytelling' as opposed to recording history when they wrote them. Their goal was to convert people, not to document history, which is why they were writing _gospels_ in the first place.

Now, taking all of that into it any wonder that, when taking everything into consideration, one would be quite skeptical of the earthly existence of Jesus Christ as the Bible describes him (it's not that he COULDN'T have existed, but when you take a step back and look at everything objectively, it's quite obvious that it is extremely unlikely)?

P.S. Theologians generally agree that the other three gospels in the Bible are clearly derived from Mark, which is why I didn't mention them specifically.

Chrsitians accept Jesus on faith, yet when you tell them there's no proof of Jesus, they say yes there is?sheet music opera theater

We accept all the details of Jesus life, death, and resurrection on faith, and accept by faith that He was who He said He was: Messiah.

But the fact that He existed is recorded by secular historians.
some points perhaps to consider..

-The 4 gospels were written prior to the year 100. The gospel of mark within a few decades at most.

-The New testament has the earliest and the largest manuscript evidence of any ancient history by leaps and bounds

-Josephus mentions an account of Jesus, an account of James, an extensive account of John the Baptist and confirms other historical events of the period

-Tacitus accounts the Christian movement

-Suetonious' account

-Cassius' Dio's account

-Early enemies of the Christians, such as those engaging in debates(Eg Justin Martyr and Trypho), never doubt the historical existence of Jesus.

-There is never a doubt to the historicity in the early centuries.

-There is no mention of Jesus' upbringing in Gospels, hence there was an aversion of the Christian writers to add mythical elements.

-Historical sites of the New Testament are correctly identified, even when some modern historians believed they didn't exist, for example the pool of siloam

-The letter writers such as Paul hardly add parables or deep sayings to their letters, an indication they were not the authors

Please do just a little research before you TRY to make a point.Many documents about Jesus.No one even questions His living ,it His living again they question.

Most people in the time of Jesus had no clue how to read or right.Check your facts.%26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
The shred of evidence is within every believing person's heart. The healing, the joy, peace, patience, forgiveness of others. It is not inane, or insane, but it is a spark much like when you first fall in love and you know that you are longing to be together with your sweetheart. It is there, it is real, and you never have to walk alone when the Savior dwells within your heart. I pray that some day you will be able to have this very beautiful experience with the Creator. I pray that the shield you use to keep Him out will melt and you can look inward and know who you are with Him. I really don't know how to explain it but it is quite lovely. Mmm
There is significant legal and historical documentation that Jesus Christ existed. The atheist then whips out conspiracy theory and deems those legal and historical sources corrupted and or misinterpreted.

Is it unusual for biographies of historical figures to be written AFTER they lived? That would be no. If you discount every historical biography for the reason you just stated, then a huge part of history would be wiped out.
Wellll, you may want to reconsider your statement that no historian ever acknowledged Christ's existence. Please read the following:

"Nero fastened the guilt . . . on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of . . . Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome. . . ."

Tacitus, Annals 15.44, cited in Strobel, The Case for Christ, 82

Written by Tacitus in 64 A.D.

"They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food--but food of an ordinary and innocent kind"

Pliny, Letters, transl. by William Melmoth, rev. by W.M.L. Hutchinson (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1935), vol. II, X:96, cited in Habermas, The Historical Jesus, 199.

This was written by Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan and mention Christ by name.

And perhaps the most compelling is the following, written by Josephus a first century Jewish historian

"About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he . . . wrought surprising feats. . . . He was the Christ. When Pilate . . .condemned him to be crucified, those who had . . . come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared . . . restored to life. . . . And the tribe of Christians . . . has . . . not disappeared"

Josephus, Antiquities 18.63-64, cited in Yamauchi, "Jesus Outside the New Testament", 212.

And last of many more that I could list is from the Babylonian Talmud. In this Jesus is called Yeshu, which is how his name was pronounced in Hebrew and the time. You will also see that the passage says he was hanged, this served as a synonym for crucified, at that time.

"On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald . . . cried, "He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy"

The Babylonian Talmud, transl. by I. Epstein (London: Soncino, 1935), vol. III, Sanhedrin 43a, 281, cited in Habermas, The Historical Jesus, 203.

So, in reference to your point about not worrying, I don't! If you were to actually do some research you would find that there is an abundance of writtings either at the time of Christ our saviour or shortly thereafter proving his existence. Now you may either believe in him as the saviour or not, that's up to you. You can not, however, deny his existence.

May I ask, then, since there were no writings about dinosaurs for THOUSANDS of years after their deaths, are we to assume that they didn't exist?
jesus actually did exist, there is evidence in roman records and by books written by jews and by muslims and by christians.

yet when they refer to faith, it is refering to jesus rising from the dead after he was crucified
Yes..yes I do accept Jesus on faith.

But alot of people seem to forget that not only did we have the believers write about Jesus.. During that time they had also people who did not believe in Jesus works..

Remember Jesus really angered (who are we kidding he POed them)the Empire and it is to these accounts that are not fiction but actual "Historical" facts..Let us look at the group that lot of us Christians call the "HOSTEL" side.. Just for a moment.. Please let me indulge if I may...

As Christians it is so hard for so many to look outside the box of the realm to which many were taught. Fortunately, such questions can be answered by an honest appeal to the available historical evidence. Do any records exist to document the claim that Jesus Christ “intervened in the course of events” known as world history?Yes Yes they do. Indeed they do.

When I referred to Hostile people to Jesus I was of course referring to those who Hated Him. The people that mention him in a very negative light. They do not add to his creed or even that he was the Son of God But they did call him Messiah.. He was a thorn in the side of the Roman Empire.. Remember.. so we have a small group of historians that did document the man named Jesus the Messiah and his appointed men.

One was a man named..

1.Cornelius Tacitus (ca. 56 – ca. 117) was a senator and an historian of the Roman Empire.

2.Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c.71-c.135): Roman scholar and official, best-known as the author of the Lives of the Twelve Caesars.

3.Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus (63 - ca. 113), better known as Pliny the Younger, was a lawyer, an author and a natural philosopher of Ancient Rome.

Now these are not the Apostles of Jesus but these men were Officials of the Roman Empire. Since you do not want to belive as I do on just faith.But on a historians that mention Jesus the man. You are well sadly mistaken. Remember too Jesus was a man that started a new Religion.

Jesus was not just a small little leader in the community.. His crowds were sometimes in the thousands. Do you honestly think something like this would go unoted.Indeed it would not.

Tacitus(#1) He was a member of the Roman provincial upper class with a formal education who held several high positions under different emperors such as Nerva and Trajan.

"Nero fabricated scapegoats—and punished with every refinement the notoriously depraved Christians (as they were popularly called). Their originator, Christ, had been executed in Tiberius’ reign by the governor of Judea, Pontius Pilatus. But in spite of this temporary setback the deadly superstition had broken out afresh, not only in Judea (where the mischief had started) but even in Rome"

Tacitus hated both Christians and their namesake, Christ. He therefore had nothing positive to say about what he referred to as a “deadly superstition.” He did, however, have something to say about it. His testimony establishes beyond any reasonable doubt that the Christian religion not only was relevant historically, but that Christ, as its originator, was a verifiable historical figure of such prominence that He even attracted the attention of the Roman emperor himself!

Twice in his history, Suetonius (#2) specifically mentioned Christ or His followers. He wrote, for example:

“Because the Jews at Rome caused continuous disturbance at the instigation of Chrestus, he [Claudius—KB] expelled them from the city” (Claudius, 25:4; note that in Acts 18:2 Luke mentioned this expulsion by Claudius). Sanders noted that Chrestus is a misspelling of Christos, “the Greek word that translates the Hebrew ‘Messiah’” (1993, pp. 49-50). Suetonius further commented: “Punishments were also inflicted on the Christians, a sect professing a new and mischievous religious belief” (Nero, 16:2). Again, it is evident that Suetonius and the Roman government had feelings of hatred toward Christ and His alleged mischievous band of rebels. It is equally evident that Suetonius (and, in fact, most of Rome) recognized that Christ was the noteworthy founder of a historically significant new religion.

Last but not least Pliny the Younger (#3)

In approximately A.D. 110-111, Pliny was sent by the Roman emperor Trajan to govern the affairs of the region of Bithynia. From this region, Pliny corresponded with the emperor concerning a problem he viewed as quite serious. He wrote: “I was never present at any trial of Christians; therefore I do not know the customary penalties or investigations and what limits are observed”

He then went on to state: This is the course that I have adopted in the case of those brought before me as Christians. I ask them if they are Christians. If they admit it, I repeat the question a second and a third time, threatening capital punishment; if they persist, I sentence them to death (as quoted in Wilken, p. 4).Pliny used the term “Christian” or “Christians” seven times in his letter, thereby corroborating it as a generally accepted term that was recognized by both the Roman Empire and its emperor. Pliny also used the name “Christ” three times to refer to the originator of the “sect.” It is undeniably the case that Christians, with Christ as their founder, had multiplied in such a way as to draw the attention of the emperor and his magistrates by the time of Pliny’s letter to Trajan. In light of this evidence, it is impossible to deny the fact that Jesus Christ existed and was recognized by the highest officials within the Roman government as an actual, historical person.

I hope this finds you interested in finding out more for your studies..

These men mentioned did not write the Bible as we know it..Nor did they Love Jesus.They were infact reputable people.

Many believe that the reason the Bible was written some 20 years after Jesus death was because after his death. You would have to talk in silance and did not want the writtings distroyed..So the marking of the fish was born.. But thats another study all togeather.. Gods Blessing to you..

I pray all will seek,learn and discover the answers are out there one just has to know were to look.
no what we take on faith is that he was God in human body not that he was a real person

there is actually proof that he did live as it is written in the bible, it was his trial sentence written by the scribe, it talks about where he was born and that he was chosen to die over a criminal.

so we have proof that he did exist but we take it on faith that he was God

and so what if it was written after he lived bibliographies on Abe Lincoln were written after he died and we know he lived just because the official text came later does not mean anything
I'll give you this much; your determination is noteworthy. Fanatical, but noteworthy.
Where do you guys get this stuff?
There is proof of Jesus living. i have faith that he is the Son of God. That is the difference.This answers your long and uninformed question.

Not a single Historian?They are Human. The ones that wrote about Jesus was inspired by God.
yes a historian did write about him
Actually, his existence hasn't come into question. People dispute who he was, not that he existed.
The Roman historian Josephus, who had no "axe to grind" for or against Christianity , actually wrote that their WAS a genuine historical figure at that time.
The current information documenting the life of Jesus is restricted to the gospels and the work of Church theologians. One can hardly trust these sources to be objective considering their obvious interest in maintaining the authority of their Church and its grip on the masses.

The Russian scholar, Nicolai Notovich, was the first to suggest that Christ may have gone to India. In 1887, Notovich, a Russian scholar and Orientalist, arrived in Kashmir during one of several journeys to the Orient. At the Zoji-la pass Notovich was a guest in a Buddhist monastery, where a monk told him of the bhodisattva saint called "Issa". Notovich was stunned by the remarkable parallels of Issa's teachings and martyrdom with that of Christ's life, teachings and crucifixion.

For about sixteen years, Christ travelled through Turkey, Persia, Western Europe and possibly England. He finally arrived with Mary to a place near Kashmir, where she died. After many years in Kashmir, teaching to an appreciative population, who venerated him as a great prophet, reformer and saint, he died and was buried in a tomb in Kashmir itself.

The first step in Christ's trail after the Crucifixion is found in the Persian scholar F. Mohammed's historical work "Jami-ut-tuwarik" which tells of Christ's arrival in the kingdom of Nisibis, by royal invitation. (Nisibis is today known as Nusaybin in Turkey) . This is reiterated in the Imam Abu Jafar Muhammed's "Tafsi-Ibn-i-Jamir at-tubri." Kersten found that in both Turkey and Persia there are ancient stories of a saint called "Yuz Asaf" ("Leader of the Healed"), whose behaviour, miracles and teachings are remarkably similar to that of Christ.

The many Islamic and Hindu historical works recording local history and legends of kings, noblemen and saints of the areas thought to be travelled by Jesus also give evidence of a Christ like man; the Koran, for example, refers to Christ as "Issar". Further east, the Kurdish tribes of Eastern Anatolia have several stories describing Christ's stay in Eastern Turkey after his resurrection. These traditional legends have been ignored by the theological community.
no not true....Christ was mentioned by "seculars" of the time on numerous documents and by many different people....oh, what a skeptic you are!!!!
I believe Paul used a beloved Essene Rabbi Yeshua ben Yoseph and blended his story with Mithra to invent Christianity.
All four gospels are written from eyewitness accounts, Matthew was a disciple, John was a disciple, Mark was taught by Simon Peter, a disciple, and Luke was taught by the apostle Paul, an eyewitness of the resurrected Christ. Not only this but the New Testament is the most historically valid ancient document of all time. Do you believe Julius Cesar existed? If you do you must believe Christ existed because there is more written evidence about him. By your view why do you believe anything in history, since the New Testament is unrivaled by other ancient documents in validity. There is evidence of Christ by many other sources as well, some that are written in answers above me. Roman, Jewish, and other early Christian sources. If you really look into it, you will find many sources saying a man named Jesus of Nazareth really existed. The question is what will you do with Him? By the way, almost all historians accept Jesus Christ existed as do most atheist. God bless.
Secular History of Jesus

There is the writing, for example of "Flavius Josephus" commissioned by the Romans to write a "history" of their conquests. Being he was commissioned by the Romans he could not cover Jesus, in depth, because they wanted to hear about themselves, not some supposed Messiah. The fact that he wrote anything about Jesus is actually a wonder to most scholars and that the Romans left the information in the history.

Here is another source of information:
