Thursday, December 10, 2009

If before the war GWB said he will spend 6000$ of your money each would you still say yes?

Eventually someone will need to start paying for this war with interest. Costing a family of 4 24,000$.

I know I would not like spending 12000$ for my family for this war.

If before the war GWB said he will spend 6000$ of your money each would you still say yes?theater

Better than 6000 for the lazy jerk down the street that won't get off their butt and work except to breed more kids.

If before the war GWB said he will spend 6000$ of your money each would you still say yes?london theatre opera theater

The end result will be much higher than the investment...
why worry

every week America spends 20 - 30 million to go to the movies and How much for PPV OR how much for a football, baseball. basketball, hockey game, ?? another 100 million???

GO away it is missed placed values..

America could be on a cash basis with just one year of dedicated effort IF if every thing was fair

65 million for a CEO's bonus some group of Americans paid that gouged and inflated money and there are another 500+ CEO's
Buddy, military spending is this high, war or no war!

Also, he never asked the public, it was never voted on,

he just told his party to support him and went in.

Maybe some good will come of the war %26amp; intervention yet.
Who says I said yes in the beginning? We need to take care of our people first (healthcare, education, etc) then worry about other people.
I might be wrong of course, but, I believe almost all the money for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are off budget. Which means that the money goes not onto the tax burden, but directly to the National Debt. The National Debt is floated by issuing various debt vehicles, t-bills etc. So, the people BUYING these debt instruments are financing the war. The largest buyers are of course, Middle Eastern States (tons of surplus oil money) and the Chinese (tons of trade deficit money). If the money for the wars was taken directly out of the American taxpayers pocket, the screaming would be unbelievable. That's why I believe these wars are popular amongst the Republicans. They get a war against their enemies, whether real or imagined, and they don't have to pay higher taxes for it. Win-Win for them.
Tax dollars yes, but to give my own life just to get Saddam and then have this mess afterwards, no. If others bear the risk then yes.
Would I be willing to pay $6,000 to be rid of Saddam Hussein? -- YES!!
Of course not!!! But I didn't agree with the war in the first place.
Yes, I rather unnecessarily kill Iraqi and afghan people than to feed Americans. My sense of patriotism is the best for this nation.
It would depend entirely upon that for which he wanted to use the money.
I would because I believed his lies. $6000 would have been cheap if all he said was true.
you bet ye.
if it bring democracy to the middle east then YES.

See how much my taxes has been wasted on Welfares??? and it is FOREVER.
yes because if for no other reason it's less than my taxes now, and it is better spent than the money wasted on welfare,health care,education,unemployment,foreign aid, and any number of other government waste that my tax dollars go to now.

he did tell you he was going to spend $6000 of your money before the war. he said it when he took the oath of office as have all the presidents before him that told you they would spend the tax payers money.

Is it good idea to put a piano in a small room (96 feet room). Just say yes or no?

I know the room is too small but I have no where else to put small townhouse.

Is it good idea to put a piano in a small room (96 feet room). Just say yes or no?theatre

Sure, 96 square feet is plenty large enough for a piano.

Is it good idea to put a piano in a small room (96 feet room). Just say yes or no?opera music opera theater

Sure. I had my upright piano in the passage between the living and dining areas in my townhouse. Put it on a wall that is not shared with another tenant if you plan on playing it!
no, crowding is bad

Should Summersnite go out with me next weekend ? Why or why not? Do you think she will say yes?

Sure she should. At least you have a decent sense of humour.

Should Summersnite go out with me next weekend ? Why or why not? Do you think she will say yes?pacific theater

Make sure you bring her flowers, a box of See's Candy, your credit card (so you can take her shoe shopping), and take a bath.

Should Summersnite go out with me next weekend ? Why or why not? Do you think she will say yes?phantom of the opera opera theater

who is summernite. someone you just met, give us more info
Awwwww Trasky has a crush!!! Thats soooo cute!
Sorry, Rev, but this question has been asked a million times already. Go look under relationships and you'll find entire listings of "do they love me, how do I get them to love me, how can I tell if they like me." These type of questions are getting pretty damn old.
only if she has no brain!!! no taste!! no sense of self worth!! no future!! no options!! and no choice!!!!
Why are you thinking about dating if your name says REV.? Are you a roman catholic? I don't know summersnite, but if its meant to be it will happen.
She might if you put up your real picture and you are good looking but I don't think you would have much in common and besides, She probably has many men wanting to date her since we will be seeing more of Summer's-eve-nings.And you know what those warm evenings do to men! You see men were made in the image of the devil as they , or at least some are cheats and liars, where as a woman was made in Gods image because she is the one that reproduces and now that we have cloning women might not need men .:)
Maybe have you even asked her yet?
Why don't you ask her? You can never tell. But since you only know her from online, she'd probably say no. It would be the safe thing to do.
Trask, its time to take the thorazine, its time to take the thorazine, ITS TIME TO TAKE THE THORAZINE!

didn't you mention something about having a meddlin wife a few questions back?
i thought you want alter boy's

My husband says I can't buy another Guinea pig what can I tell him to say YES!! We already have


My husband says I can't buy another Guinea pig what can I tell him to say YES!! We already have two I want 1..the grand theater

Tell him you are on a mission to save 1 more Guinea pig from being shoved up some weird persons butt. Why do people put small animals up their butt. That is too weird to think about. Sorry, got carried away.

My husband says I can't buy another Guinea pig what can I tell him to say YES!! We already have two I want 1..soap opera opera theater

Seriously?? This is what you are fretting over? I would just let-it-go. This isn't some life or death thing..its another small pet.
when you married Richard Gere you knew that would be a problem
lol how about hes already compromised by letting you have them? now you compromise as well.
Buy one and bring it home.
If you are clean with your animals and take care of them why does he care. As long as he is not the one having to take care of them you should not have to ask permission. Is he allergic or some thing
If you want ANYTHING, give bj's and you'll always get your way!

OK I have been here for a while but I have yet to really say omg... lol yes, who can change that?

Play me some Paint it Black we can sit at the bar and talk about music, booze and anything else your hear desires!

OK I have been here for a while but I have yet to really say omg... lol yes, who can change that?chinese theater

i can change it - OMG!

OK I have been here for a while but I have yet to really say omg... lol yes, who can change that?opera mini opera theater

are you drunk? we like you, barman, don't go!
I just watched my dog lick his business.......gross!!
You silly boy, only you can change that, only you.
If you say so...

let me think.......

i saw a big mud turtle at work today

and moved him out of the road...thought i was saving his life

on the way home stopped to talk to the mine inspector and he invited me over to dinner...... guess what he was having???
omg wtfingf are you like fing talking about, get a job... or like some food... quit asking for sex..

please excuse me i lost my brain in world war 4
just see the answers i get!!!

so many losers!!!
i spose there's all kinds of things we could say or describe on here, maybe show you a site or two that might tempt you to type omg, but well it's really your omg to feel so i guess you just gotta hang in there and wait, your omg will come one day and you'll no longer be an omg virgin.

I am having a debate I say no plants don't have feelings but the other people say yes they do I

I need scientific evidence to support my opinion preferably from botanists or people that have disproved this

I am having a debate I say no plants don't have feelings but the other people say yes they do I need evidencestar theater

Check out the book, "The Secret Life Of Plants" by Peter Tompkins, %26amp; Christopher Bird. It deals with this same phenomenon.

I am having a debate I say no plants don't have feelings but the other people say yes they do I need evidenceextension opera theater

There really is no need for the scientific evidence. Plants represent the love and care that has been put into them by nature or you. If you care for your plant then your reward will be its vigorous growth and fruits. That's if they grow any. However if you don't care for your plant then it will just die. Look at it this way, the bonsai tree represents its owner in many ways. It's vigor, appearance, and luster! Plants that are taken care of by you can represent you!!! Why don't you tell them that?
You have to have a nervous system and a brain to feel pain. Plants do not have either.
Actually, people have disproved that plants don't have feelings. There are several studies that show plants communicate with others, "scream" when in pain, release plant cortisols, etc.

And as somebody seeking scientific support, maybe you need to actually define what you mean by feelings. As far as I know, there is so such definition for fauna, much less for fauna.

And the person who says you need a nervouse system is right, but flora has it's own nervouse system as well.

Can I report somebody for point gaming if they say "thanks for the two points?" or a "

It's ur choice but I've done it. Some questions are just do dumb they deserve it!

Like the guy who said women love me, is it because of my charm, my wit or the fact I'm hansome. I said all three.

So report me.

And when a girl says I'm a Catholic and my husband beats me and beats my kids, report someone for saying divorce him!

It's is against Catholic rules to get a divorce for that type of reason, so it's a pandering answer.

Now, someone here caught someone with two accounts double teaming on themselves to get points. That should be reported!

If I have two accounts and I answer my own questions to get points, that's wrong!

Can I report somebody for point gaming if they say "thanks for the two points?" or a "yes or no" response?opera songs

Yes, you click the red flag next to their submission and report them for abuse. Int he drop down menu, choose Point-Gaming and add your own complaint. They get 10 points, I think, deducted.

Can I report somebody for point gaming if they say "thanks for the two points?" or a "yes or no" response?secure browser opera theater

yes, simply click "report abuse"
i honestly don't know if you can or not ... look for the link that says help and it has a list of questions pertianing to yahoo ancwers
well yes or no is a answer !!
Yes; you can report anything that's not a real question or not a valid answer to your question. The website is for people finding answers to their questions or helping others with theirs, not gaining as many points as possible. If someone answer something on the lines of "2 points", you can report them, since it's not a real answer
Boy you sound like your name!

But for your question you got the check the guidelines to see if they are really reportable
y that means they have no life
u sure can some cock sucker did it to me the other day
I would say the thanks for the two points yes, the yes or no answer no.
is that how you do it.... man.... and I have be typing diatribes for weeks now..... thanks.... I didn't know this was a contest.....
yes you most definitely can...............
Probably not for the "yes or no" response but definitely for the "thanks for the two points" response. That will show the Yahoo! Answers Team the user only answered the question for the points.

Other good examples are:

"Pick me as the best answer."

"I don't know" or

even saying that they like your picture or something

If they simply didn't answer the question, you could get it removed.
Yes... but is it really that important???

By the way, thanks for the 2 points.
On occasion, I have said "thanks for the two points" Sometimes, when I take the trouble to read the question and whatever additional details may be provided, it was a waste of my time. The question may have been silly, stupid, obvious or any combination of those. So once in a while, my patience runs thin and I collect two points just for the time I spent reading the question. So, go ahead, report me, you mean-spirited nit-picker!
I don't think you can.
Why would you want to I mean so what its not like we are getting money from our points, Are you just a naturally born tattle tell?

thanks for the two points

Get a life you little whiny baby.
I wouldn't
You might be able to for the "thanks for the two points", but if the question is something to the affect of "Have you seen Star Wars?", then "yes" or "no" is actually an appropriate answer to the question asked.
well it all depends on what the question you asked if it was a yes or a no kind.

but the "thanks for the 2 points" i think you can. because they are telling you basically they are gaming for them
You might be able to report the "thanks for the two points" questions but "yes" and "no" are considered answers as far as I know.
Yeah if your a F a g g o t
no....if u ask a yes or no question....expect a yes or no answer.
aww come on thats no fun =(
You can always report someone, but they don't listen.
you can, its kind of anal though.
You need to take a chill pill man.
